{ chapter 14 }

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You were sat in the Gryffindor common room, waiting for Jasmine to finish getting ready. You had spent the day acting completely normal towards her, even though a big part of you wanted to strangle her and crucio her brains out. You had gotten ready in your favourite jumper and short, black skirt. Even though you were in Gryffindor house, the colours of Slytherin always suited you better. Jasmine came down the stairs and saw you sat on the sofa," Come on Y/N, get up! We need to go meet everyone before they leave without us." Says the person that took 2 hours to get ready. You got up and was dragged out of the room by your wrist as per usual. Remember the plan, get shit faced then... I don't know, cry myself to sleep? God I'm going mad.

You saw your friends sat in the distance, waiting for everyone to arrive before they left for Hogsmeade. You were going to The hog's head tonight. Students from Hogwarts would usually go to The three broomsticks but because you were all of age to buy drinks other than butterbeer, you decided to go somewhere new.  " Ahhh Y/N I'm so so excited, how do I look?" You looked her up and down, seeing she was yet again wearing half of your wardrobe, " Beautiful honey." You replied, through gritted teeth.


You were now all sat in 'The hog's head'. Everyone around you decided to start off easy with a butterbeer, but you started with a straight shot of vodka." Jesus Christ Y/N!" You heard an unfamiliar voice utter from behind your chair. You spun to see a bleach blonde, Slytherin boy standing with his arm stretched out towards you, "The names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He took your hand in his and lightly kissed it. "How do you know my name Mr Draco Malfoy?" You asked, slightly smirking at his pathetic confidence and monstrous ego." I've seen you around Hogwarts Y/N, I thought I'd ought to learn the name of my future date to the Yule ball." He sneered, this boy is a joke. You laughed out loud this time and raised your hand to ask for another shot.

Malfoy leaned towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder, " I'll see you around." And walked away. You were too invested in getting your next shot and laughing with your friends, that you had not really registered your interaction with Draco at all. Soon two shots came to the table, you immediately shot one back. "Y/N, Y/N , Y/N!" The whole table chanted, you picked up the second shot and threw it back too.


Two hours of drinking later, you were beyond pissed. Most of your group had already gone back to Hogwarts due to curfew, including Jasmine. The rest of the girls with you had dispersed to other areas to talk to boys, so you decided it was time to leave. As soon as you stumbled out of the pub, the fresh night air hit you like a slap in the face. Fuckkkk. You couldn't see straight, nausea took over and you still needed to find your way back. Bad idea this was, oh my god.


After what had seemed like forever stumbling over your own feet to the castle, you made it. You attempted to tiptoe through the corridor in your drunken state, but it sounded more like you were stomping and marching with high knees. Your head spun like a broken record and you couldn't stop giggling to yourself over absolutely nothing at all.

" Miss L/N." The voice was stern and familiar. " SevERUsss...fiNAlly DECiding to tAlk tO me?...UGHhh...yOu arE so hANDsoMe you kNOw...yoU can TAke me foR my priVATEe lesSOnS anYTIMe you liKEee." He stared at you with dark eyes and a raised brow. " Oh I know I did not just hear those inappropriate words tumble out of that pretty drunken mouth of yours past curfew Miss L/N." He uttered in his dark, silky tone. He began to approach you and stopped to look down upon your messed up jumper and skirt, standing mere inches away. You giggled and reached out a hand to touch his perfect face, " Oh no you don't." He intercepted, grabbing your wrist and holding it firmly as he walked you down the hallway. You followed as best as you could, constantly tripping over your own feet and making masses of noise.

"Always getting yourself into trouble Gryffindor, when will it ever stop?" He hissed. You could feel your heart beat in your head and you drowned out his words, a sick feeling washed over you. "P...rof...essor..." you stuttered, he swung himself around to face you, " What is it you idiot girl? The entire castle smells like alcohol thanks to you and your thoughtless ways." He growled. Oh no, it's coming. You grabbed your stomach and hunched over, your throat was burning with the aftertaste of vodka as you threw up all over Snape's leather, black shoes. Snape didn't take his eyes of you, he didn't even look down towards his feet, only directly into your shocked eyes. You began to tear up, even in your drunken state, the pain you were feeling about what Jasmine had done to you was still there. As much as you tried, you couldn't drink that pain away, "I suggest you continue to follow me Miss L/N ." He finally spoke.

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