{ chapter 7 }

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It had been a few days since you had gone back to lessons from having to stay in the hospital wing. Still every time you saw Jasmine, she'd start the conversation with frantic apologies that you had to snap her out of. " Y/N, I am so sorry about your accident, I feel awful and I don't want-" you sighed, " Jaz, it's been almost a week since it happened and you still apologise every day! I love you but you can stop saying sorry now." She took a deep breath, " I guess you are right." She gave you the biggest hug you had ever received in your life and dragged you to breakfast.

You walked through the doors, examined the professors table and sat down next to Jasmine. Where is he? For the last few days you had not seen Snape once, even for potions last lesson you had a substitute teacher. As much as it was hard to admit, you kind of missed his presence somehow. His seat at the professors table was yet again empty. "Do you know where Snape is?" Jasmine looked up at you from her breakfast confused, " Why do you care? I thought you hated his guts?" You panicked, " Oh yeah I do, I hate him...I was just curious." She continued to eat her food, " I don't know, but you have potions first period so you can find out yourself." My god she remembered my timetable? That's dedication.

You promptly finished breakfast and made your way to the potions classroom expecting to see another substitute professor. You walked through the doors to be met with the unmistakable figure of Severus Snape," Professor!" Shit, I sound way too exited. "um...I mean professor. You're back." He gave you an unimpressed stare before shoving a potions book into your hands and telling you to," Sit." He began to teach the lesson. "umm...Professor I seem to be the only one here." he turned around from the board swiftly, " You think I haven't noticed that?" He huffed,"Headmaster Dumbledoor thought it was required that you had an extra lesson with me today, due to the one you missed when you idiotically collided with a tree." He turned back around and continued to scribble on the board. Private lesson with Snape? Don't mind if I do.

You began to copy down the notes, " Where were you sir?" You asked." Do you always need to ask useless questions miss L/N?" He spat. Yes you did. " Um...no I guess not." You mumbled. After a while of him explaining, he slammed down the chalk and sat at his desk. What was the for?! " I expect you know it all already miss L/N, this is simply a waste of my time." It was true you already knew what he was teaching, but you would happily listen to his voice forever. The way it was silky yet rough, deep and dark, romantic and extremely sexy.

I'd do anything if that voice of his told me to. "Anything?" Wha?! You looked towards him to be met with his dark eyes connecting with yours, the tension was high. Did he just... " Read your mind?" He sneered. Oh my god what the actual fuck?! " Such foul language coming from the mind of a girl like you, so pure on the outside but seemingly not on the inside... interesting ." You thought you must have been in a dream, a coma from when you hit your head that you never woke up from.

Your face was red with embarrassment and shock, " I...I should leave." You pointed to the clock on the wall to show the lesson had ended and made your way out of the classroom. What just happened? If he had heard that, he must have heard all of my thoughts. Shit shit shit. You pushed through crowds of students in the hallway until you got to your group of friends. " Oh my god Y/N, you look as though you have seen a ghost!" Jasmine laughed, you continued to look shocked. " Wait honey, you really don't look okay."


You were now in your dorm, Jasmine had taken you up there and you explained everything that had just happened. " HE WHAT?!" You nodded, "HOW?" She looked just as shocked as you were when it first happened. " I don't know jazzy, he just replied out loud to what I was thinking." She shook her head in disbelief. " What were you thinking about?" She asked, you froze. I can't tell her that I was thinking about doing whatever he told me to! " Um just about potions stuff...you know...brewing methods?" She just about believed your obviously flustered response " Are you going to talk to him about it?" She had a good point, you wanted to set boundaries so it didn't happen again. " Yeah I will, later tonight if I get round to it." She smiled," okay, Let's get back to lessons then before we are late!" She dragged you out the door by your arm, " Okay!"

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