{ chapter 34 }

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" Understand?" Snape asked. " Yes." Lupin replied. Luna and Lupin were to go back to Hogwarts for the night and return to meet you and Snape the following day in an attempt to avert any type of suspicion. He is definitely just doing this to get rid of Remus. " Bye Luna...see you later Professor,Goodnight." You hugged Luna tight and rubbed her shoulders as a way of telling her that everything was going to be okay. You then turned to Lupin and he outstretched an arm. Even though it was an innocent side hug, Snape was still staring a deep hole through his core.

You gently patted Lupins hand and walked away, smiling and waving. * woosh * And off they went, apparating into the night. You were about to go with Snape when something caught your eye, a small bottle on the ground where Lupin was just standing. You wondered towards it to pick it up, its label read in neat calligraphic writing ' Wolfsbane'. Suddenly it was snatched from your grasp by Snape, he put it into his pocket and held your hand as if nothing had happened.

He began to walk with you down the cobbled path," Sev...what was that?" He continued walking, " Nothing of your concern." He replied bluntly." But I found it myself, and it belongs to Lupin, I want to know. He is my friend!" You felt his hand squeeze yours a little tighter as if to tell you to quit talking rubbish, he raised his tone, "He is not your friend Gryffindor, he is simply your professor." This was the perfect opportunity to use your fast comebacks to outwit him, " Does that mean you are simply my professor as well... sir?" He chuckled to himself, " I am more than that and you know it." Oh really?

You stopped, causing him to stop too. He looked you up and down, unimaginable feelings of desire engulfed him at the sight of you stood confidently in his sweater. You moved so you were positioned directly underneath him, you were so close to his lips and his hot breath caressed your face beautifully. " PROVE.IT." You challenged, mere inches away from his sweet mouth that you craved so much. His lips crashed into yours, slipping his tongue into your lips for a second before breaking the kiss." So we are playing that game are we? Such a naughty little witch." The heat between your legs grew rapidly in response to his words.

" I'm willing to play the game if you are." You replied. He pulled you close to his chest, preparing to apparate you both to somewhere of his choosing, " Sweetheart, i've been willing for a very long time."Your lips couldn't help but creep into a smile. Game on.

A/N: Let me know your thoughts so far! X

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