{ chapter 24 }

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You were sat at the edge of the bed, madam Pomfrey sat beside you rubbing your back. You didn't tell her what happened, you just said you felt ill in class and Lupin had sent you down to her. You could still feel the shadow of Draco's invasive hands on you, all you wanted was to wash away the feeling but you couldn't. " It's okay dear, have some water." She whispered, handing you a glass. You nodded, accepting the drink graciously. She stood and briskly walked away, tending to the other students who were sick.

You continued to sit in silence, taking small sips of the water you had recently received. You looked to your right at the window, the same window Snape had opened to reveal the sunset after your Quidditch accident. In the end you didn't quite recover in time to compete for the cup, you still went to watch but you would rather forget it ever happened. You opened the curtains and watched as the blazing sun lit up the room with a ray of gold. Beautiful. * knock knock* You looked towards the door hopefully, praying it was Snape coming to check on you. Your heart dropped when into the room stepped Jasmine.

" Y/N, are you okay?" You didn't reply, nothing she said even registered in your brain anymore after she had hurt you so badly. " I've come to check on you...What's wrong? Why do you look as though someone has put a slug in your butterbeer?" Granted, you did look visibly pissed off. You spoke, just loud enough for her to hear, "Because you are no friend of mine." She froze after hearing those words leave your lips. " What, why?!" She exclaimed. I sware to Merlin.

" Don't act like you don't know Jasmine, that you are all innocent. I see right through your lies as if they are made of glass." You spat, " The reporting to Dumbledoor, the hiding of the letters in your wardrobe. I gave you the benifit of the doubt thinking you were trying to protect me, because I thought you hated Snape. I know the truth now..."  She took a step back from you, " Y/N...What are you talking about?" She questioned." YOU LOVING SNAPE!" You replied, staring a hold through her core. You thought you saw fear flicker in her eyes, you soon realised it was anger. She grabbed her wand in her pocket, you secretly grabbed yours too. " Don't do this Jasmine, this is nobody's fault but yours." You whispered. " I see the way he looks at you Y/N, getting you out of the way was my only chance of being with him. I knew my plan backfired when he saved you after hitting the tree. I had to try something else." You looked at her blankly for a few moments before speaking. There is no way.

" You caused my accident... on purpose?!" You shouted. You heard the footsteps of madam Pomfrey quickly approaching. " How could you do that to me?! We have been best friends for years Jasmine and you tried to what?...Kill me?!" Madam Pomfrey finally reached your bedside, "What in Merlin's beard is going on ladies?" She demanded. In a split second, Jasmine raised her wand to madam Pomfrey. As she was about to cast a charm on her you drew your wand at speed, " Expelliarmus!" Jasmines wand flew out of her hand and hit the wooden floorboards with a crash. You stood, wand still pointing at Jasmine as you walked towards her. " Leave your wand here and get out." You spoke, she didn't move. "GET OUT!"

She left the wing and you turned back to face madam Pomfrey, seemingly frozen in shock. " Are you okay? " You asked. She slowly nodded and brushed herself off, " Yes miss L/N...Thank you." You walked up to her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, " Don't worry, I'll be reporting her to Dumbledoor as soon as I'm able." She placed a hand on top of yours and squeezed it, " You are the most lovely little witch Miss L/N, you will go far." You smiled at her kind comment, and picked up Jasmine's wand from the floor before leaving . Jasmine better watch the fuck out.

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