{ chapter 30 }

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You led the way. Grabbing his arm, taking him around corners and through doors. " You're not going to like this Sev, but I want to bring backup." He stopped in his tracks, forcing you to loose grip of his wrist as you attempted to keep walking. " I can protect you perfectly fine alone Gryffindor, if that's what you are suggesting." His silky voice echoed around the room, with an only just detectable hint of offence. You turned back to face him," I know Severus...but three is better than two sometimes." No answer, " Especially when we don't know what we are facing. Plus, the person I'm thinking can teach me a lot about D.A.D.A in the process. He can help cover us with Dumbledoor and maybe... you can both learn to get along without you needing to obliviate him." Still no reply. Yep, he is mad.

A few seconds passed of him just staring at you blankly," Lupin can stay out of this, he will not be stealing you from me." He exclaimed. You looked intently into his eyes, taken aback slightly, " Oh Sev, you're not jealous are you?" His dark eyes widened at your suggestion. " No Miss L/N, we both know you crave me just as much as I do you." You grabbed his wrist and began walking with him again." There is no issue then, is there? He will help I promise." You interlocked your fingers, gently stroking his hand with your thumb as he did the same. "Just so you know Gryffindor, I am not most happy." You rolled your eyes, " I'm not exactly happy that my brain decided to go and find my missing ex best friend instead of being in bed with you, yet here we are." He smirked at you slightly and continued to follow.

You got to the main staircase, about to pass it to get to Lupin's classroom when you heard a sound. Is that someone crying? You looked under the stairs to see a girl curled up into a ball, sobbing in her dress. You took one look at Snape, he nodded and began to walk to Lupin by himself so he could try and get a head start in explaining your plan. They are definitely going to rip each other's heads off. You turned your attention back to the weeping girl. " Hey my love, are you okay? Get up c'mon, don't ruin that beautiful dress." You whispered encouragingly. She lifted her head and you recognised her immediately, Luna Lovegood.

You had never properly spoken to her before, but you had a few classes together so you knew her. " Hi Y/N, I'm so sorry...I'm okay...It's complicated." She sniffled, tears running down her face. You lightly brushed off her dress and fixed her hair for her," What happened? I've never seen you upset before." You asked calmly, seeing someone as pure as her this sad hurt your heart. " It's so stupid..." she muttered. You took her hand and brought her out from under the stairs into the light. " Luna, I will not judge at all. Believe me, I am not exactly in the position to." You said with a half smile. She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes before explaining , "I saw Neville with another girl...I didnt quite see her face, it was as if she was hiding it, but they walked off together and I haven't seen him since. I assume they went back to one of their rooms..." Wha?!

Something about Neville just going off with another girl didn't feel right. He was so obviously head over heels for Luna, they had liked each other for years and had only started properly dating recently. You could have sworn they were bang  in the middle of there long desired honeymoon phase." I'm so sorry Luna..." you started, still trying to work out how this could have happened. A girl covering her identity, potentially forcing Neville to go with her against his will, that would explain it. Who would do that though? Someone jealous maybe, possibly manipulative, controlling... Jasmine!

Realisation hit you like a moving truck. You gripped Luna by the wrist, making her jump with your unexpected grasp. " Come with me, no time to explain."

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