{ chapter 20 }

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' His hand crept into hers, interlocking their fingers as if they were chains forged by angels. Her eyes twinkled brightly, like the stars in the night sky they were sat under. He looked deeply into them, stroking her face with the back of his hand as if he was worshiping a priceless piece of art. " I love you." He said for the first time, his voice full of romance and passion. A crystal tear trickled down her cheek and was caught with a stroke of her lover's thumb. " I love you too darling, more than anything." Their lips collided under the shine of the stars, their bodies intertwined and their love erupted. She was his and he was hers, forever until the end.'

You closed the novel and let out a sigh. You had been reading for hours on end and had even missed dinner. I wonder what the time is. You looked at the clock by your bedside, it was 8: 45 and your detention was at 9:00. You hopped out of bed, fixed yourself up and left. You were extremely on edge as you walked down the hallway, you really didn't want to get caught or run into anyone such as Dumbledoor, Jasmine or especially Draco.


You finally got to the potions classroom and pushed your way through the doors. "Still don't know how to knock?" You heard his deep voice echo, you smirked," Seemingly not." Even though you were in detention for being apparently incompetent, you were still overjoyed to see Snape. "Where were you at dinner?" He asked bluntly, sitting behind his desk in the shadows. " Miss me did you?" No reply. " I was reading." He stood up from his desk and walked into the light, you could see his handsome features much clearer now. " Reading what?" He questioned, his voice low and inquisitive. "Just a romance i found in the library." He raised an eyebrow, " Is that so?" You nodded, " You didn't strike me as much of a romantic miss L/N." Rude! His lips formed into a subtle smirk.

You rolled your eyes, " I am very romantic actually, I have a ' boyfriend ' apparently." You giggled and sat down on one of his desks. "Just In time for the Yule ball." He jokingly added. Oh yeah! Every year around Christmas time in Hogwarts the Yule ball was held, the boys would ask a girl to go with them and everyone would get all dressed up to dance ." I don't think I'll go this year." You whispered looking down. His expression softened, almost as though he was disappointed, " Why is that?" You took a breath, " The person I would choose to go with wouldn't be able to go with me...and I've fallen out with Jasmine."

Snape looked you up and down. "What happened?" You began to explain, " Firstly, she reported you to Dumbledoor about reading my mind, meaning i was banned from seeing you and doing potions.Then recently, i found a box full of letters you had sent to me that she had hidden away in the back of her cupboard. She must hate you so much that she doesn't want me to see you." Snape looked very confused, " Y/N." He used your first name, he had something serious to tell you, " Yes..." he walked towards you, closing the gap between you. " Miss Silverlite likes me...a lot." You gasped, wha?! " She always tries to say after class, meet me after school, try and make me read her mind in lessons...She even sends me love confessions by owl." You were so enraged by the news that you gripped the edge of the desk until your knuckles turned white. How could she?!

" So she is trying to get me...' out of the way' or something ?" You whispered in shocked realisation. Snape continued to close the gap until you were almost touching. " If it makes you feel any better, i think she is a highly untalented and a frankly boring character. I have no reciprocation in feelings whatsoever." Snape insulting her took a bit of the sting away, but you couldn't believe your best friend would do that to you. Soon enough, tears began to fall.

" How could she do that to me?" He reached out to wipe your tears as they fell, stroking your face with a tender hand." There, there sweetheart, don't waste your tears on someone like her." His velvet voice calmed you but your heart still hurt. You felt like you needed to confess your true feelings to him as soon as possible, you wanted to claim him as yours so nobody else could lay a single finger on him," Severus...i wanted to tell you-" *knock knock* shit. Snape grabbed you by your wrist and pushed you under his desk, " Wait there until i tell you, don't make a sound." You nodded and he went to the door.

He opened it up and you could hear the echo of the metal end of a cane hitting against the stone floor. Who is that? " Lucius ." Snape greeted. "Ahh Severus, how good to see you here at this late hour. I need a word about my son Draco." Oh my god! Lucius Malfoy, Draco's dad!? You could hear the scuffing of chairs being moved and both of the men sitting down. Lucius spoke, " Do you know of a certain pupil, Y/N - L/N? I heard you are close with her. New play thing is it Severus ?" You could hear the irritation in Snape's voice as he answered, " I know miss L/N yes, she is a very talented witch. What about her?" Lucius chuckled slightly at his annoyed response, then went on to tell him, " The brat seems to have rejected my son, but not only that. In the library earlier today she slapped him across that face, unprovoked." WHAT?!

You could hear Snape shift in his seat, he knew that being called a brat hurt you, all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and tell you that you weren't. " Miss L/N wouldn't do that Lucius, I'm sure of it." Lucius stood, and you could hear his chair being shoved to the floor, " Are you doubting me Severus?! Saying my boy is a liar?! She slapped him like a little bitch completely unprovoked!" You couldn't take hearing all of his lies anymore, you burst out from under the desk and shouted, " Draco grabbed me and kissed me, i pushed him off me and slapped him. It was not fucking UNPROVOKED!"

Snape and Lucius immediately looked over at you, snape was frozen to his seat but Lucius approached you, cane in hand. Out of nowhere, he pinned you against the desk, pushed his cane against your neck and used his body to stop you from moving. " Oh save it Gryffindor, you know you liked it you little slut. Any attention you can get, even if it's from your professor." You tried to move but it was no use, suddenly you heard the familiar voice of Snape behind him. " Only i call her Gryffindor." He growled, "Stupefy!" Lucius was stunned and dropped to the floor. Snape grabbed you and in a hurricane of black, he apparated away with you in his grasp.

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