{ chapter 2 }

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It had finally reached the end of the school day, it had dragged for what seemed like eternity. You were tired but knew you should go to dinner if it meant you could catch up with your friends. I have so much to tell them. I got Snape back so good! Why were you still thinking about Snape and what had happened? Did it really bother you that much that he was picking on you? He did give you back the points he had taken, nobody had forced him to do that, he decided to himself. You sighed and made your way to the great hall.

You entered the hall and was immediately called over by your friends, " Y/N! Y/N! Over here, come on!" You giggled at their enthusiasm and made your way over to the space they had saved for you in between them all. " There she is, hey honey!" Jasmine spoke. Jasmine Silverlite had been your best friend since your first year when you met at the sorting ceremony. You loved her like a sister ," Jazzy ! Looking gorgeous as always." You both laughed as the food appeared in front of you and everyone began to dig in.

One of your friends sat at the table had just been in your class and had seen your interaction with Snape. " Y/N, tell everyone about what happened in potions!" You sighed. Even though Snape made you irritated and slightly mad, you still looked up to him and respected him, especially for giving you back the points he had taken. I guess I have to tell them now." Do I have gossip for you guys..." you began. You told them all about how you had crashed into none other then Severus Snape in D.A.D.A  and how he had taken points from you then tried to catch you out with potions questions "But I knew every answer, you should have seen the look of regret on his smug face as he..." Suddenly the group fell silent, Jasmine kicked your leg under the table hard and everyone looked over your shoulder. He is standing right behind me isn't he? Fuck.

You felt his looming presence behind you, then  his hand as he grabbed your arm and lifted you from your seat, turning you to face him. There were mere inches between the two of you as he began to stare what seemed like a hole through your core. This is about to go down." Care to repeat miss L/N? I think the regret should be on your face now, don't you think?" He growled keeping his face emotionless, you could still tell however that he was fuming. The entire hall had silenced now, except from the muted whispering of students wondering what was going on and what you had done for Snape to become this pissed. You shot a look at the professors table and saw Dumbledoor rise from his seat, "Let go of the child Severus. " he boomed. You were not a child, you had just turned 18 but that was beside the point. Snape let go of you and you dropped back into your seat. He leaned forward and pulled you towards him slightly before whispering down your neck,"Detention with me tomorrow, straight after school you disobedient little brat." He whipped his cloak and exited the hall.

You were left sat there, shocked and regretful." Y/N..." you stood up. " Please, not now Jaz. I'm going back to my dorm." You felt tears begin to well in your eyes and left the hall without saying another word. You ran to your dorm and broke down. You were not crying because you had got shouted at or even that you were embarrassed by what had just happened, I just wanted him to like me. The realisation came to your head as you began to comprehend that all you wanted was Snape's approval. You looked up to him because he was the master of the subject you loved most, he knew all there was to know and you wanted him to see your passion. You had ruined your chances.

Suddenly the door swung open, it was Jasmine. She took one look at your tear covered face and wrapped you in a tight embrace. " Oh Y/N don't cry, it's okay." She whispered as she continued to hold you and rub your arm in a comforting manner." I need to tell him I'm sorry." She looked at you puzzled. " For what ? He completely overreacted, he should be apologising to you!" You looked at Jasmine for a silent moment and then continued to cry on her shoulder. After a while of you crying, you finally started to calm down a bit while still in jasmine's arms. " Thank you jazzy, you're the best." She softly smiled at you." That's what best friends do! And don't you worry, get some sleep and tomorrow after school I will walk you to your detention. Sound good?" She really is the best. You grabbed one of her hands and held it tight, " Sounds perfect." You both got ready for bed and turned off the light. You were still thinking about Snape and if he was still going to be mad at you tomorrow. Surely there is some place in his dark heart to forgive me...i hope so.

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