{ chapter 42 }

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" Wait!" Snape exclaimed before anyone even had the chance to move. " We can't just apparate to the front entrance, it's far too obvious." He spoke as if everyone should have already known that. " Where to then smart guy?" Lupin laughed, you nudged him hard in the arm. " Ouch Y/N! That was uncalled for." - " Sev is right. If a group of people turned up at your front door, that would automatically be a thing of concern wouldn't it?" You turned to Lupin. " I guess he has a point." He mumbled. " I always have a point Remus, you just don't listen." Snape sneered. Are you joking?

Just as you were about to but into their inevitable quarrel, Luna got in the middle of it first. " Right Professors, if you didn't notice I have been waiting here for quite some time. If Neville is in that manor then I want to find him as soon as possible okay!?" You walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, watching as Lupin and Snape lowered their heads, " Okay...?" You reiterated. " Indeed Y/N." - " Yes darling." You smiled. " Good! So where are we apparating to then?"

Snape approached you and began lovingly stroking your hair whilst talking to the group, " The room in which they hold their meetings will be out of use for tonight, I know that for a fact. It's the safest place to go if we don't wish to be caught." You intercepted his hand from your hair and held it, giving it a gentle squeeze. " Sounds like a plan...ready?" He pulled you in by the waist and kissed you passionately on the lips, mhm-ing into your mouth as a response to your question. " Oh Merlin, actually get a room." - " Leave them be professor...this is love." Luna batted back at Lupin. The kiss broke and you cupped Snape's handsome face in your hands. " Let's go."


You had all successfully made it to Malfoy manor. You looked around the room in awe. The crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, the old portraits on the walls and in the centre of it all- the grand table. " Wow Sev, it's beautiful." He took your hand in his, " Yes sweetheart, but what goes on in here isn't." He whispered, trying to keep his voice down as much as possible.

Lupin and Luna both had their wands out so you decided to as well. It was only earlier that day that you had Stupefied Draco and faced Lucius, if he found you in his house there would be hell to pay. " He must know we are coming." You spoke. " I doubt that very much Y/N." Lupin replied. " Lucius is not an idiot, he knows we are on the lookout for Jasmine. If she is here, then we were ought to turn up at some point." - " Don't be ridiculous, he thinks we fell for his trap at Borgin and Burkes." Lupin snapped back, a little louder than you had expected. You were taken aback, " He works with Severus, he is aware of what he can do to get out of certain situations, so probably knows we were not to be held back long. We need to be careful Remus." You spat. " Listen Miss L/N! Do you-" - " Do you care to quit shouting Remus, especially at my girlfriend in my presence. I agree with Y/N entirely-"

Snape was snapped out of his sentence by the doors of the room opening suddenly, " As.Do.I." The eerie voice of Lucius echoed. Oh shit. " Of course I knew you were coming you idiots, I'm glad at least one person in here appreciates my abilities." He looked directly at you and winked. Snape grabbed you and held you close to his chest, half wrapping you in his cloak and pointing his wand at Lucius. " Oh come on Severus, surely you can bare to share your beloved property for at least One night." He sneered. You felt sick to your stomach, pressing yourself further into Snape to show that you only wanted him. " A little shy are we sweetheart?" He taunted. " If you think you are placing even a single hand on her, you are gravely mistaken." Snape threatened.

Lucius walked further into the room, laughing to himself. " This is my house Severus." He then pointed his cane at the chair situated at the head of the table. " And that is the dark lords chair..." He made his way behind another chair towards the middle of the table, " And this will be your fate when he hears about your little plaything- REDUCTO!" You watched the chair, which was most likely the one Snape sat in, be blasted into peices. You looked into Snape's eyes and, for the first time, saw a small flicker of fear. It broke your heart. " WHERE IS NEVILLE!" Luna shouted unexpectedly, building the tension in the room to new levels. " Neville...the name doesn't ring a bell I'm afraid." Lucius sneered. " Is this one your play thing Remus? I didn't think you had it in you." He approached Luna and raised his hand to touch her.

You broke away from Snape's grasp and raised your wand to Lucius. " Keep your filthy fucking hands off her!" You demanded. He laughed again, the type of laugh that showed he was amused at your 'attempt' to stop him. " Fine. I'd much rather have my hands on you anyways." Just as you were about to raise your wand to fight him, you felt an overwhelming pain across your abdomen. You stumbled back and was caught in Snape's arms as you sunk to the floor. Your shirt was soaked in blood and you ripped it open to reveal a deep slash across your stomach. You looked into Lucius' eyes and saw the smirk signalling he was the one responsible. You tried to raise your wand to fight back but you were in too much pain.

You felt dazed and your eyes became heavy. You laid on the floor trying to keep consciousness as you saw spells being fired, objects breaking and threats being verbalised. Snape stood in front of you, shielding your injured body the entire time. You looked down at yourself, watching as blood pooled around your body as it gushed from your open wound. You used your hands to try and suppress the bleeding but it was no use. I'm going to die. You tried to call out Snape's name desperately when everything began to turn black.

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