{ chapter 4 }

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Today was the day of Quidditch practice. Your detention with Snape last week ended with him seeming very angry, at dinner later that same night you were getting death stares from him all throughout. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were but didn't know when or how. Quidditch was something you were very passionate about. You knew it sounded cliche, but you were a seeker and did a great job at it. Quidditch season had begun, and you were training often so that the quidditch cup would be yours when it came to competing for it.

It was ten minutes before practice started. You decided it would be a good idea to have a short fly around the school to warm yourself up. Jasmine didn't compete, but had recently been given a broom for her birthday so you invited her to come with you . God, I hope she knows how to ride it. You took off and hovered in the sky whilst Jasmine was still on the ground. " Sorry Y/N, my broom is playing up!" She shouted to you whilst you continued to hover above her. You laughed, " Okay listen, all you have to do is simpl- oh my god Jasmine!" Without of word of warning, the broom with her on it darted away at speed. Fuck!

You began chasing after the runaway broom with your terrified best friend still on it. " Stop the broom Jasmine!" You shouted. " I can't !" She cried. You needed to get in front of her otherwise there was no hope in her being able to come to a stop without getting seriously hurt. Up I go then. You ascended Upwards into the clouds in hope of being able to overtake her. Just as you began to dive back below the clouds - SMACK! You could feel yourself falling from the sky in what felt like slow motion. Finally you made contact with the ground and everything turned black.


You woke up dizzy in what you could just about make out as the hospital wing. Confused, you tried to sit up before having your shoulder pushed lightly back down again. It was Lupin, he was sat on the side of your bed."Don't try and sit up dear." He must have helped me when I fell." Sir, what are you doing here?" You asked still attempting to sit up but being held down by Lupins hand. " I wanted to see if you were okay, the accident of you colliding with a tree seemed to be a nasty one." Oh my god I hit a tree? That's so embarrassing! He looked at you with an emphatic half smile, still with one hand on your shoulder.

" Where is Jasmine?" You asked frantically realising you had not seen her yet, "Miss Silverlite is fine sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about." You looked up at him and smiled. " Thank you Professor...for helping me." He looked at you slightly confused but smiled anyway. "I'll see you next D.A.D.A class professor." He nodded with a smile, took his hand off your shoulder and left.

You laid back on your pillow and smiled. Lupin is so nice for helping me, I should thank him again. Suddenly you heard the running of feet approaching the ward and coming through the door, it was Jasmine." Oh Merlin's beard! Y/N I am so sorry." She stroked your head and tears welled in her eyes. " Hey Jaz look, I'm okay, it's fine, it was not your fault." She looked at you filled to the brim with regret. " If it was anyone's fault it was the tree's for being there!" You reassured her. She laughed still stroking your hair with tears in her eyes. You held her hand and allowed her to calm, sitting yourself up to give her a long hug.

Soon madam Pomfrey came into the room. "Good lord miss L/N lay down, you are lucky Severus found you when he did, otherwise this situation could have been a lot worse." Jasmine shot you a shocked look as if to say 'Professor Snape helped you?' You thought Lupin had helped you...it was Snape?! You laid back down and was handed some sort of medical potion to drink, it tasted awful. " Miss Silverlite, I understand you must be a bit shaken as well but you have a lesson to get to." Jasmine sighed " See you later Y/N." and left.

Madam pomfrey spoke up. " Severus will be coming back later to answer some questions I still have about your incident. You will have to stay here tonight I'm afraid. "Great! A whole night in the hospital wing."Get some rest miss L/N." Madam pomfrey then left a half full glass of water on the stand next to your bed and walked away. I don't understand, why would Snape help me after what I did? You were still feeling drowsy and could not stop thinking about the possibility of Snape helping you, holding you in his arms to carry you to safety. It made you feel even more bad for purposely pushing his buttons, the regret was heavy on your shoulders but your eyelids were heavy too, so you began to slowly fall asleep.

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