{ chapter 16 }

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It was Sunday morning, your head was throbbing as you sat yourself up and opened your eyes. Oh bloody hell i forgot...I fell asleep in Snape's bed! You walked out of the bedroom door, after fixing your morning hair, to see Snape still asleep in his armchair with the daily prophet neatly folded on his lap. " Oh god!" You unintentionally spoke aloud, Snape jolted awake and immediately wielded his wand, " Stand back or I'll!...oh god...Y/N, What made you feel like waking me in that particular manner this morning ?" You began to catch your breath back after him causing you to nearly jump out your skin, " I'm so sorry to wake you, I was just so shocked to see you asleep here on your chair. Why didn't you use the bed?"

He stood and approached you, playing with a strand of your hair as per usual and looking into your eyes, "A certain drunken Gryffindor needed it more than I did." You rolled your eyes and smiled, " I mean, you could have slept with me." Oh that sounded so unbelievably wrong. " I...oh no...um I meant..." he made his way to the window and opened the curtains, " Maybe next time." He replied deeply. Next time, he is suggesting there will be a next time?!

Before you knew it you were being handed a bottle of potion, you drank it down and it tasted awful. " Ugh, what was that?" Snape raised an eyebrow," Slightly late now you have drank it, could have been poison for all you know." He replied bluntly, you gave him a half hearted death stare to coax out the real answer. " It's to help with your headache." You smiled and traced a hand along his arm, "Thank you Severus, I appreciate it."

You curled yourself up by the fireplace and Snape soon joined, " Was I bad last night...I can barely remember a thing." He smirked and cocked his head, " If you count being bad as vomiting all over my shoes, then yes, you were a very bad girl." I what?! Oh my god. " And I'm sure when you were out with your friends you did many an embarrassing thing." You put your head in your hands laughing is disbelief. " You're not making me feel any better about this situation!" He smirked, "Did I mention having to hold your hair back when you were vomiting uncontrollably for a good 15 minutes ?" You just about remembered that. "Shut up!" You playfully pushed his shoulder. Immediately he grabbed you by the shirt and pulled you close. Woah. "Have I pushed your buttons Severus?" You smirked, the last time you asked him that he sent you out of his classroom and slammed the door behind you.

He pulled you even closer, you were inches apart. You could feel your heart beating fast and had to withstand the urge to plunge yourself into his lips. Why does he make me feel like this? You could feel his breath hot against your face as his eyes wondered down to your lips and back up to your eyes. He slid his hand from your shirt to the crook of your neck and leaned in,whispering deeply."Don't .Test. Me." The way the words slid from his lips in the most erotic way caused your body to melt. You placed your hands on his chest and leaned in, slowly closing your eyes as you edged closer," I have things to do." He stood up and began to change into his usual attire. Wha?!  "Can I come with you?" He turned back to look at your seemingly confused face. I thought we were about to kiss. "May I remind you Miss L/N that if we are seen together I loose my job." He replied bluntly. Back to calling me Miss L/N, what did I do? You nodded, and walked towards the door,      "See you later then." No reply, he continued to change and you left.

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