{ chapter 36 }

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You lay next to Snape, both of you breathing heavily. You had just indulged in three rounds of beautiful sex and were spent. He held his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his hot body." You drive me crazy little witch." He hummed, stroking his fingers across your stomach. " And so do you Sev." You shuffled back further, pressing your body closer into his. You thought to yourself for a peaceful moment, " Severus, you have never told me about your childhood. Was this where you lived?" He chuckled to himself lightly, "Always with the questions Gryffindor." You smirked, hitting his arm that was wrapped around you playfully, " It's only because I care."

He turned your body so you were facing him, taking your hair into his hands and playing with it loosely. " I grew up here yes, with my mother and father." He began, you sat there listening with the greatest intent whilst taking in his perfect, handsome features. " My mother was a talented witch, my father...well he was a -" He hesitated. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles with your thumb, " You don't need to talk about it Severus, I was only curious." He looked lovingly into your eyes, " Another time darling, I promise." You nodded, not realising how him not mentioning his childhood was probably for a reason. You leaned in, kissing his perfect lips softly and smiled. He leaned in and returned it, you sighed softly and melted into his chest.

He ran his fingers through your hair, soothing you until you were about to fall asleep. " Goodnight Sev, sweet dreams." You whispered. He kissed your forehead and swept a peace of hair away that was covering your face, " I'll be dreaming of you sweetheart." And you both drifted off.


* BANG BANG * " Oy Lovebirds! Wake up, I knew we would find you here!" The sun was out and you were still wrapped in Snape's arms. " Sev..sev wake up!" His eyes slowly opened, " Good morning beautiful." Woahhhh. His voice this gravelly in the morning made your heart flutter, he sounded even more hot than usual. You quickly snapped yourself out of your aroused trance. " I believe a certain 'dog' is at the door." He looked at you confused, " A dog?...oh god not Remus, how did he find us?" You shrugged your shoulders, laughing slightly.

He rolled out of bed and got dressed, so did you after having a quick shower to clean up after last night. By the time you had got downstairs, Luna and Lupin were already in the house sat at Snape's table. " Y/N!" Luna exclaimed, getting up from the table and giving you a big hug. Lupin raised an eyebrow, " Fun night Miss L/N ?" You rolled your eyes and continued to hug Luna. You had become so close to her in such a short amount of time, she was so sweet and you were determined to help her find Neville. Snape entered the room, his hair was still ruffled from the night before. He looked extremely sexy but this would only spur Lupin's subtle ' last night' jokes on. " Come here sev." You straitened out his hair and he kissed you tenderly on the forehead. Even though you thought Lupin would comment, he simply smiled at the sweet gesture.

" I've been thinking." Lupin began. " Not a good start." Snape replied, you couldn't help but laugh to yourself at his witty comeback. " Lucius was asking Y/N where she was going, trying to see what she was up to right?" You nodded, Lupin continued, " He probably knows where Jasmine  is and is trying to stop her from being found. All we need to do is find him again." This time it was your turn to comment on the idea, "And do what, torture the answer out of him?" Luna spoke up, " No, get his son into a secure place and use him as blackmail." Everyone looked at her shocked, you didn't think an idea like that could come out of her.

Lupin patted her on the back proudly, " Um yes, that could work." Snape scoffed, " And how are we supposed to get him out of Hogwarts willingly?" You placed a hand on his arm and stepped forwards." He would come with me if I told him I had an interest in him." The plan was set. You act like you were in love with him, lead him back to Spinner's end, trap him, use him as blackmail so Lucius reveals where Jasmine is and then find her. " Let's head back to Hogwarts then, it's time to lure a Malfoy."

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