{ chapter 41 }

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Everyone hushed. Snape began to read Mr Burke's mind through the door to get a glimpse of the situation. He heard the panic in Mr Burke's mind, the fear that he never thought would come from someone who spends most of their time surrounded by the dark arts.

" Mr Burke, if you let us out we can assist you. All of your fear will be gone and your panic will subside."

Snape suddenly spoke.

" Whatever the dark lord says, I will do."

Mr Burke shot back. Suddenly Snape pulled you close, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

" Do not hate me for this darling, it's what I must do."

He then pushed you further back into the wardrobe so you were stood between Lupin and Luna.

" The dark lord demands you let us out! My dark mark is proof of his words through mine! Refuse to do so and you will die!"

Snape demanded.

What the fuck?!

You had never seen this part of Snape before, you had never even noticed that he had a dark mark. Lucius was a deatheater, an evil man who wallowed in the power of the dark lord and your lover was of the same group. You heard Luna gasp, she had no idea either.

" Oh sev..."

Was all that could escape your lips before you broke down into tears. Your heart shattered, pain washed over your vulnerable body that was pressed between Lupin and Luna's comforting warmth. A charm was cast by Mr Burke and the door to the cupboard was flung open. You all rushed out, you couldn't even bare to look at Snape. Mr Burke was swiftly disarmed and interrogated as to where Jasmine was.

" At...Malfoy...Manor."

He muttered with Snape's strong hand around his throat.

" So Lucius knew all along and sent us here as a distraction..."

Lupin exclaimed.

" I wouldn't be surprised if Severus already knew that. You know, considering he is a fucking deatheater as well."

You replied. Hurt flashed through Snape's eyes as he looked at you, but you were too enraged to care.

" Obliviate!"

Snape casted at Mr Burke, then apparated away with you in his arms, nodding at Lupin to follow.


You were back in spinners end, you pushed him away.

" Get off me, right now! How could you?"

Snape looked to the floor, no reply.

" Sev look at me. I am your girlfriend, why didn't you at least tell me?"

You were still crying perfusley.

" To protect you."

He replied, in his usual monotone manner.

" I don't need protecting, I want to protect you! Don't you get it Sev?"

He grabbed your arm.

" That is not your job Y/N. I cannot be protected, not with him around."

You looked into his obsidian eyes and could see nothing but regret. You fell into his chest and simply hugged him, crying as he stroked your head with his hand. After a while, you pulled back and rolled up his sleeve. Laid central on his forearm was the dark mark. You ran your fingers across it gently.

" Does it hurt Sev?"

You whispered. He shook his head.

" Not at the moment sweetheart."

This was a part of Snape you needed to accept if it meant being with him, he was a good man and you couldn't let the mark define him.

" I will forever be on your side Sev, if you remain on mine."

He looked down at his mark, then into your eyes.

" Always."

He guided you in for a kiss. Both of your pain, regret and fear was poured into it, raw emotion deepening the kiss to new extents. The kiss broke and you placed your foreheads together, wrapped in each others embraces.

" My love..."

Snape whispered.

" My beautiful, beautiful girl."

You rubbed Snape's arms as he traced your face with his hands. A single tear fell down his cheek and dropped to the floor.



In apparated Lupin and Luna.

" Malfoy manor it is!"

Lupin announced.
You gave Snape one last small kiss on the lips and turned to Luna who was happy to see you were both okay. You wiped your teary eyes.

" Okay, are we all ready?"

You asked, looking everyone in the eye. They all nodded.

" Then let's do this."

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