{ chapter 40 }

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Snape grabbed your wrist before you had the chance to fire any spells and cause a ruckus." Is there a problem Mr Burke?" Snape spoke calmly, but still with a hint of threat in his tone. " I have been warned by the girl you are in seek of to look out for you lot, especially her." He pointed his boney finger directly at your face before Snape automatically stood to shield you. " She means no harm." You looked around to see the group of ugly, evil looking sorcerers surrounding you. Lupin came forward, " We fear that she has taken someone unwillingly." Lupin spoke. " My Neville..." Luna trailed off, visibly trying not to break down. You walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her tight.

" If everyone puts their wands down, we are happy to talk this through." You piped up, sounding almost desperate. Mr Burke reluctantly nodded and signalled to everyone to put their wands away. " Has she threatened you Mr Burke, bribed you into keeping her location a secret?" Lupin questioned. " I know how she can be, a bloody manipulator!" You began to get riled up, " We are trying to make this easier for you Mr Burke ! Tell us or not, we will find out in one way or another." - " Is that a threat?!" Mr Burke exclaimed, picking up his wand as his group of wizards edged closer to you. " NO...no it is not." Snape pulled you into his chest tightly, " Y/N just wishes to hurry this process up, as we all do." You looked up at him and he looked down at you with a glint of worry in his eye.

" She threatened to get the dark lord involved if I revealed her location." Mr Burke blankly spoke. Fuck. " I knew she was up to no good, but I didn't think she would stoop that low." You shout-whispered to the group. " That will not happen Mr Burke, I will be sure of it." Snape replied. " And how can you be so sure?" Mr Burke questioned. A moment of pause occurred where no one spoke, you only saw Snape and Lupin making severe eye contact before being plunged into complete darkness. " Sev, get your hands off my eyes!" You yelped," Professor, what are you doing?" You heard Luna ask too. What is going on? Lupin and Snape had covered both of your eyes as Snape revealed his Dark mark to Mr Burke discreetly to prove he could deter the dark lord from getting involved.

The two professors removed their hands and acted like nothing had happened, " Very well, I will tell you their location." Mr Burke led you all through to what looked like a cupboard in the back of the shop. " Get in, all of you...go on there you are." He mumbled. " When I shut the door, you will be teleported to their exact place of residence." You all got into the cupboard, you pressing up against Snape as Lupin and Luna pushed in. All of a sudden you had a weird feeling in your gut that you couldn't shake . " Wait Mr Burke... before you shut the door, are you sure-" * SLAM * The door to the cupboard was slammed shut," Idiots." He laughed. You all tried to shove yourselfs against the door but it was no use. Some dark magic had been used to keep it sealed.

" Alohomora!" You shouted, kicking the door in the process. " ALOHO-FUCKING-MORA!" As the spell failed again you pushed yourself further into Snape's arms and began to cry. " How could we be so stupid, what were we thinking?!" He kissed your forehead gently, " Shh darling...it's okay, we will find a way out." You continued to cry into his cloak as he spoke, " Remember what we said Gryffindor? You may always get yourself into trouble, but I will always be there to get you out of it, okay?" You nodded through stinging tears, " You are my lifeline Sev, and right now would be a great time to be saved. A great time for all of us." He kissed you tenderly, " Anything for you."

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