{ chapter 10}

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You spent the next two days pretty much not talking to anyone and constantly attempting to hold back tears. It felt like you had not seen Snape in forever and was scared he would stop caring about you or that he never even cared about you in the first place . You knew jasmine wanted what was best for you, but you couldn't help feeling betrayed. You hadn't told anyone how you felt truly about Snape and how close you had got in such a short amount of time. As far as everyone knew you hated him, but to be honest it was quite the opposite.

As you were walking to dinner by yourself you noticed Lupin's classroom door was slightly ajar, so you stepped inside to get some much needed reassurance from him as a bit of a last resort. " Sir are you here? " You called out as you began to step into the dark room. You peaked inside and all of the shutters were pulled over the windows, something wasn't right. " Professor Lupin...?" You had stepped into the classroom fully now, and looked at the surroundings In front of you. "Hello...Anyone here..." you drew your wand, "BOO!" What the fuck?! "Ahhhh!" Without thinking you backhanded whoever was behind you directly across the face, you turned around and it was Lupin. " Miss L/N it's just me...ouch!" He mumbled holding his face, you burst out laughing, " That teaches you for sneaking up on me! What were you doing!?" You exclaimed. He began to chuckle still holding his face, " You seemed down so I thought I'd try and make you laugh, I seem to have achieved that but not in the way I was hoping." You both walked towards his desk still laughing and sat.

" What brings you to my classroom then? Hopefully not just so you could slap me because that honestly hurt!" You giggled at his remark and rolled your eyes, " I didn't know where else to go, I knew you would listen to me rant so here I am...and maybe I came here to slap you too." He pretended to be offended then smiled, signalling for you to continue speaking your mind, " Dumbledoor has banned me from seeing Snape." He shrugged his shoulders, " Not necessarily a bad thing Miss L/N." You gave him a ' let me finish' look and began to speak again, "Meaning potions is now off my timetable until further notice." You felt a wave of sadness wash over you saying it out loud, your eyes began to water. " I see...I remember you saying that was your favourite subject, I'm so sorry sweetheart it must be hard for you ." He placed a friendly hand of reassurance on your shoulder.

After a moment or two of silence, Lupin spoke up, " I've just had a lightbulb moment miss L/N, now it might sound stupid but-" You cut him off, " Just bloody say it Lupin I'm desperate here." He smirked and shook his head, " A classic griffindoor, getting angry so fast when you don't get your own way." Your heart suddenly stung, that sounds like something Snape would say. You missed him terribly.

" Please Professor." You said more calmly this time. He spoke," Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to convince Snape to give you secret potions lessons so you can continue with your studies for the time being, I'll keep it a secret and help to keep it under the radar...only if you wanted that of course." You jumped up from his desk and gave him a massive hug, " PLEASE PLEASE I'D DO ANYTHING!" He laughed at your excitement, "Woah now miss L/N, it's only a maybe but I will try my best." You were so unbelievably happy and honoured that Lupin was willing to help you, " If you pull this off Professor, I will help clean your classroom for a year!" He smirked, " I will hold you to that, now go to dinner before it's too late." You looked at the clock, dinner was almost over so you rushed to the door, " Thanks again professor!" You called back to Lupin and left.

You pretty much hopped and skipped to dinner now with be biggest smile on your face. Wow, continuing my studies and seeing Snape alone? I can't wait! Everything seemed okay again, the only thing you had to do now was get back on track with Jasmine before the plan goes forward so she doesn't suspect a thing. Easier said than done.

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