{ chapter 32 }

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" Hey...sorry I took so long." You mumbled, out of breath from running as you met at your agreed location. Everyone was asleep. If you and Luna were caught out at this time with your professors, there was no possible explanation that could save you. " No harm done Miss L/N, you are here now and that's all that matters." Lupin reassured. You had changed into something more suitable now, including Snape's sweater that he hadn't realised you had taken. You couldn't help but smirk as he raised an amused eyebrow in response.

" Nice sweater darling, where did you get it?" He spoke, his words laced with sarcasm. You rolled your eyes smiling and addressed the group. " We will go to Hogsmeade first I think, that way we will at least have a place to sleep if needs be." Lupin and Luna nodded, "And how do you suggest we explain not being in school?" Snape enquired bluntly. You looked him up and down in a flirtatious manner, " You're a smart man Severus, work it out yourself." You uttered mockingly. Lupin smirked, until he was hushed by Snape's hard stare.

Luna sighed," Its quite a long walk to Hogsmeade Y/N, my poor legs!" You giggled and replied, eyeing up Snape, " Apparating might be an option instead..." He grabbed your waist and pulled you to his side, " Very well. I will take Y/N...you take Miss Lovegood." He spoke to Lupin. You loved when Snape was protective over you like this, it was extremely attractive. " Never thought I'd see you so protective over someone Severus." Lupin commented. Snape moved closer to his face, you still glued to his side, " She is not just ' someone' to me Remus, that is why." You damn near melted on the spot, you made eye contact with Luna who had her hand on her heart at the sheer cuteness of what Snape had just said.

You smiled at her as Lupin took her hand and everyone prepared to apparate.* woosh* Luna and Lupin disappeared into a wave of black. You and Snape were left stood there, alone in the comfortable silence of each other's company,"Are we ready to go Sev?" You turned yourself to look at him, placing your hands on his warm chest and shoulders ." Not before I have one last taste..." He guided you in slowly, locking lips in the most sensual way. It was as if he was trying to savour the taste of you, as if it was the last time he would kiss you ever again. He slowly broke the kiss, tracing his thumb over your bottom lip and admiring you as he did so. I love...

"Hold on tight darling." He pulled you closer to him. Before you knew it you were in the familiar streets of Hogsmeade, grasping tightly to your beloved professor.

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