{ chapter 9 }

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It had been a while since the eventful night where Snape had saved you from being caught by Dumbledoor. You could still feel his tender hands on your body pushing you against the wall trying to conceal you, the moment replayed in your head constantly.

It was October, Halloween was in the air. Every classroom and hallway was decorated with all sorts of spooky autumn decorations, all except Snape's. You would have thought as a seemingly dark man he would have appreciated the spirit of Halloween, but he apparently found it ' unneeded and unnecessary '. You, however, loved it. You had even left a box of decorations in Snape's classroom with a forged letter to him stating, " Please decorate your classroom Severus, it looks very boring -Dumbledoor x." But he seemingly saw right through it, as last lesson you were greeted with the completely untouched box on your desk and a hand written reply of, " Nice try Gryffindor, but I believe Dumbledoor does not put kisses at the end of his letters - Snape x " Ugh. Bloody smart-arse.


You and jasmine were now sat in your dorm, you had just had breakfast and were waiting until it was time to go to your first lesson. You perched at the end of your bed, braiding her hair whilst she sat on the floor humming a familiar tune. "What is that jazzy? It sounds weirdly familiar." She stopped humming, " Oh, it's just something my aunt used to sing to me...I can't remember the words but the melody has always stuck for some reason ." You nodded and continued to braid her hair until she was left with two symmetrical braids either side of her head. " Looking beautiful as always honey!" You spoke, patting her shoulders to let her know you had finished. She stood up and looked at her watch, "Just in time, come on before we are late!" She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the door the same way she always does.

You were sat listening to professor McGonagall in your transfigurations class,when all of a sudden in the doorway appeared Argus Filch, the schools caretaker. "Miss L/N?", you raised your hand hesitantly, " Follow me, headmaster Dumbledoor wishes to speak with you." What?! Why would he need to speak to me, is this about when I almost got caught in the hallway? Shit. The curious mutters of students echoed around the classroom, as you picked up your stuff ready to walk with Filch. " See you later miss L/N." McGonagall chirped.


You were now following Filch and his flea ridden feline to what you assumed was Dumbledoor's office. Countless thoughts began to run through your mind about what he could possibly want to talk to you about. Me sneaking out? The fake letter I wrote addressed from Dumbledoor? The muggle food I keep sneaking into my dorm? God, what does he want! You finally approached the door, " Go on sweetheart , don't be afraid now." Filch sneered, if you weren't scared before you definitely were now. You knocked twice, * knock knock * no reply, just as you were about to knock again louder you heard the voice of Albus say, "Enter dear girl." Deep breaths, just take deep breaths.

You stepped onto his office, it felt more magical than any part of the school you had ever been in before. Woah. " Sit Y/N." Being addressed by your first name caught you completely off guard, you swiftly sat down on the chair before him. You swallowed nervously before he began to speak, " It has been brought to my attention that Severus Snape, our potions professor, has been reading your mind without your consent. Is this true?" You tensed up, who could he have heard that from? " No sir, I don't believe so." He looked into your eyes curiously and suddenly beckoned, "Come out dear." Wha?! Suddenly out of the shadows stepped Jasmine. Oh fuck no. " Tell her what you told me Jasmine, don't be afraid." She couldn't look you in the eye, " Y/N came to me telling me that Professor Snape had read her mind during her catch up lesson with him, she looked scared and i knew she wouldn't tell anyone about it so I had to...to keep her safe." You understood why she did it but a part of you felt enraged that she had told anyone.

" I will ask again Miss L/N..." Dumbledoor spoke calmly, " Is what Miss Silverlite saying true?" You tried to processes everything but it was all happening too fast. Jasmine is going to think I lied to her if I deny it, but what will he do to Snape if he finds out it's true? For the past few weeks your interactions with Snape became more and more frequent, he had really started to grow on you." I did tell her that yes Headmaster, but maybe i imagined it all due to my recent head injury." He nodded, " Well just incase, i have decided that you will have no more lessons with Professor Snape from this moment on, and if you are seen interacting with each other again we will take further action." WHAT?!

" But Headmaster, Professor Snape is the only potions master we have!" You were panicking and Jasmine was looking at you as if to say ' why do you care so much all of a sudden?' Dumbledoor let out a sigh, " For the time being Miss L/N, I'm afraid potions will be removed from your timetable." Your heart shattered into a million pieces. Just as you were about to speak up and debate with him , Dumbledoor opened his office door and ushered you out, " You are both dismissed." Tears welled in your eyes and you began to speed walk away, " Y/N! I'm sorry!" You heard Jasmine yelling after you, you didn't stop walking. Bitch.

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