Indirectly checking on him...

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Inside Dekisugi's room...

Dekisugi was still studying or you can say thinking of ideas.... Then a knock was heard on his door followed by his mother's voice...

Mrs. H: Dekisugi we are going back to our place...

(An: yess they don't live in the same house as Dekisugi)

Dekisugi: okayy mom byee.. have a safe journey....

Mrs. H: hmm byee.. see you later...

With that he heard footsteps sound fading away...

Dekisugi again started reading, when he heard his phone getting notifications....

He opened his phone and saw a message from Nobita...

OTC (on the chat)

Heyy Dekisugi are you still awake???

Yess I am awake.... Whyy what happened??

Okayyy!! Did you have your dinner??

Yess I had my dinner.. what about you??

Yess I had my dinner too... By the way what are you doing right now??

I am studying right now...

Actually I have doubt in some questions...

(Dekisugi chuckled lightly, knowing the real reason)

Didn't we solved every question already....

But still, when I opened my book to revise now, I suddenly don't know how to solve it anymore....

Okay okay send it to me I will explain it to you....

Nobita shared pictures of some questions to Dekisugi, and waited for him to explain...

(An: Don't ask me for the questions I left maths 2 years ago, so I don't know anything about it now...乁⁠༼⁠☯⁠‿⁠☯⁠✿⁠༽⁠ㄏ )


At Nobita's room..

It's been a while since Nobita shared the pics...

Nobita sighs deeply thinking his idea worked, and some how he will ask about him after getting answer from Dekisugi....

Suddenly Nobita's phone rings and when he checked the caller I'd it was Dekisugi, so he hurriedly picked the call up...



Hello Nobita...

Yess Dekisugi?? Why did you call me??

Ohh actually, I thought it would be difficult to explain the sum to you on the chat and also it will take too much of your time...

Ohh okay!!

Soo the question you send me has to be solved........

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