The Snake Mosaic Challenge

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"Good luck." Manny says to Nikita while Richard hugs everyone. Both of them walked out of the lounge and were led by Mortimer to the drugstore with Calliope behind them.

"Here we are. Put these on, there's one for each of you." Mortimer said handing them white hazmat suits. "Oh... Please don't tell any others that I was wearing anything looking like this." Nikita said while Richard turned to her. "Don't worry. I promise I won't." he said with an inviting smile.

"If I die I'm gonna haunt all of you!" Nikita yelled to the group in the lounge, even though they couldn't hear her.

Richard's POV

"Here's the rules for the challenge." Calliope said, handing me the rules. "Search the intestines of the great serpent to find the missing pieces of your mosaic. A completed image is at the end of the snake to guide you."

Nikita started reading, "The first to do so will be able to retrieve the heart and the other will be poisoned by The Snake Woman." Now that the rules have been read, I hug Nikita. "I'm sorry." I whisper in her ear before pulling back. Her eyes tell me she knows why I'm sorry.

"Are you guys ready?" Calliope asks, Nikita looks at me "I hate snakes." she tells me. "Go!" Calliope yells causing us to run to our serpent. We both dunk our hands in the guts. "Oh, my God! This is so gross! Oh, my God!" Nikita shrieks.

Nikita: There are parts of the body's that I didn't even know existed. Squishy things, gooey things.

Richard: Everything is cold, my hands, the guts, everything. Yet, I am able to find my first piece because I squeezed each thing until I felt something that didn't squish.

I run over to the map to see where my piece goes as Nikita runs over to check what she needs.

Nikita: There is a map opposite from the mosaic. So I can figure out how I'm actually supposed to put it together.

I run over to my mosaic and place the first piece in. Nikita finds her's quickly afterward. "Oh God, this is so slimy! What kind of substance is this?! Holy fix the wheel." she yelled as she ran to put her piece in. I continue to use my squishing tactic and find my second piece.

Richard: My head is in so many thoughts. Am I gonna die? Am I gonna find the rest of the pieces? What's Nikita doing?

I start to whimper at the coldness of the guts when I see Nikita run to her mosaic with her second piece and I go into "Turbo Mode" as I'm calling it. "OK, OK, Nikita, you're the troublemaker. Don't back down."

Nikita: Listen, I hate snakes. But one thing I hate more than snakes is losing.

We both find our third piece and run to our mosaics. "I swear if I get outta this. I'm. Going. To. Hurt someone!" Nikita says before we run back. "I feel ya honey. I feel ya." I say to her as we go back to the guts.

"This is so disgusting." Nikita says as I run over with my fourth piece. I return to the guts as Nikita goes and puts her fourth piece in. "Yes! Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, Nikita! You looked amazing while you were here and I'm keeping my final promise to you!" I scream as I run and place my final piece in.

Nikita's POV

I see Richard place his final piece in and hear his scream to me. I smile at him before seeing the snake queen herself walk over to me. Richard runs to the heart as fast as he can to try and save me.

"No! No, no, no!" I yell as I try to fight her. Richard tries his hardest to get the heart out but it's too big to easily slip out. She bites into my neck and I feel the poison running through me.

I can feel all my organs on fire. I can hear Richard crying for me as he runs to the head. I scream for one final time, but it barely comes out. The poison was so quick, so agonizing, and I stop fighting.

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