The Blood Teams

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The Blood Doll Designation

Joey: Somehow, I get mixed into the group that has to go retrieve the blood doll.

Mortimer tags along with the blood doll group and opens the door to the shoppe. They walk out to see one of the twins standing in the road outside. They creep closer to the group before breaking into a full sprint, the group splits in different directions before following Joey. "Run! Go, go, go! Guys, this way!" he yells out as he goes in the direction of the warehouse's door.

The group follows him with the doll hot on their trail. "Hurry, Safiya!" Mortimer yells out as the doll jumps through a gap between a tree and a building. They all run inside and Safiya runs to the other door of the warehouse, the doll goes to the door as well and tries to get inside. Ro goes and grabs a board that was near the door and boards the door, "Oh, my God!" Safiya sings out.

The Blood Trial Troop

Richard locks the door and watches the other group, he leaves when he sees them close the door leading to the street. 'Okay, guys, let's start." Roi instructed the other two, Manny taking the lead and going to a drawer.

Richard: I stay with Roi and Manny, and we have to figure out what this blood trial is.

They open the drawer to find doll heads and a book, "Once Upon a Murdery Time.' Wow! What's next 'Evil Town: Beware!" Richard sarcastically calls out once he reads out the book's title.

Roi: I look around, trying to help.

Roi looks over his shoulder to see one of the twins atop the stairwell, "Oh, God, go!" he yells out to the others, getting them to run.

Manny: All of a sudden, a twin walks in.

Richard: I remember we have to entice this little twin into prison. And what do these twins like? Dolls.

"Manny." Richard whispers to the beauty guru, "Yeah?" he responds. "We have to get this bitch to the jail." Richard whispers back, "Lure him with dolls." he adds on as Manny walks out of his hiding spot. Manny gets Roi to hold out a doll near his hiding spot, "Hi! See this? Want a doll?" he calls out to the twin, who starts chasing after him for the doll. Roi, Manny, and Richard run to the police station with dolls in hand to get it in jail.

Manny: Come here. Don't kill me!

The doll slows down as it gets to the police station and walks into the jail cells as the group tosses their dolls onto the jail's bed.

Manny: So we realize, okay, we have this bedtime story that we got from another clue.

Roi began to read the story as he and Manny walked out of the cell. Once they got out, Manny threw his last doll in before Richard closed the door.

Richard: Bang! Locked in! Have fun in there, creepy doll! I know I did!

Manny: Okay, we have one little bitch locked in jail. Let's keep it going, and let's solve the rest of this clue.

The Blood Doll Designation

Safiya: So we're at the warehouse to claim the blood doll, which is supposed to be able to open the Maiden of Madness, wherever that might be.

"Okay, so we have a key. We need to look for what this opens." Joey holds up the key he grabbed from the cabinet. "Here, what about this?" Ro asked, standing next to a box, Joey and Safiya turned to her and confirmed.

Safiya: So Joey has the key from the Dollmaker's Shoppe, and we're able to open this crate.

They opened the box which held jars and a note, "4 cups of blood exactly in one pour." Safiya read from the note. "We've got two jars, one that has three cups and one that has five." Safiya pulled the jars out. Joey gasped and pointed to a hole, "I saw this- There's blood here." the hole he was pointing to had the word blood under it. "I think we have to insert the four cups of blood into this."

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now