The Newbie

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Eight years have passed since that fateful day. Escar grew up to become a beautiful little girl. I flew to Capsule Corp with her and knocked on the door. Bulma opened it and smiled at us.

"Hey Kohlra. What's up?"

"Hi Bulma, I just wanted to come over for a little visit and introduce Escar to everyone."

She looked at my daughter and went completely gaga.

"Oh my gosh! She's so cute!"

I chuckled and smiled gently at Escar.

"Say hi sweety."


"Aww. Oh, Kohlra. Come inside, I have big news."


We walked inside and headed to the couch. Escar looked around and held tightly on my shirt.

"So what's wrong?"

"Well for one, Vegeta cheated on me again with another girl named Julie. She's a Saiyan."

"Oh boy..."

"Yep. And they had a son. Want to meet him?"


"Hey Pepta! Come here please!"

A little boy, similar to Prince, came down the stairs and entered the room.


"Come meet my friend Kohlra."

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Miss."

"Hi there. I'm Kohlra and this is my daughter, Escar." I said looking at my daughter.

"H-Hi..." she said.

"Aw, so cute." Bulma said.

We heard the slamming of a door and two sets of footsteps approaching us. Entering the room was a slightly beaten Vegeta and Prince.

"Where have you been?" Bulma and I asked at the same time.

"Sorry Mom. Dad and I have been training with Goten and Goku."

I sighed and shook my head.

"Daddy, who's that?" Pepta pointed to Prince.

"Oh um... That's your brother." Vegeta said sternly.

"I have a brother!?" Prince shouted sounding shocked.

"And they're identical! Holy crap!" Bulma said.

"Thanks for stating the obviousl Bulma..." I said sarcastically.

"So little brother, how powerful are you?" Prince asked.

"I can turn blonde." he said turning into a Super Saiyan with ease.

"Whoa..." Escar gasped.

"Impressive." I smirked.

"Nicely done." Prince crossed his arms.

I smiled at the identical siblings. Both look, act and are as proud as their father.

"Well I better get going. See ya guys." I said taking Escar's and Prince's hands and heading towards the door.

"Bye Kohlra!" Bulma shouted from the room.

"Farewell." Vegeta grinned.

I used Instant Transmission and teleported back home. I relaxed for the rest of the day while Escar was drawing and Prince trained with Guillermo Jr.

It was quite a day. But I didn't let my guard down. I knew something might happen. Were my suspicions correct? Yes they were.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now