Sad Notes and Romantic Pleasures

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A few days later, I told the kids what would be happening before they left to hang out with their friends. I took out a pad and pencil and wrote down a note for Guillermo. Afterwards, I put the divorce papers underneath and the engagement ring he gave me when he proposed.

I knew he could find someone better. I'm just a slutty, no good mother of six kids all from different fathers. He shouldn't waste his time on me.

"I'm sorry Guillermo..." I silently cried.

Luckily, the gang helped me pack our stuff. We left the furniture and all because that belonged to Guillermo. We just took stuff like toys and personal belongings.

I called Bulma earlier that day and she said I could stay at Capsule Corp until Shenron divorced Dashie. The poor girl, she shouldn't have been caught in this line of fire... I feel really awful.


After making it to Capsule Corp, the kids put all their things away and headed straight for bed. I was about to walk out the door when Bulma stopped me in my tracks.

"Kohlra, where are you going?"

"To tell Shenron so he knows."

"Alright then. Be safe."

I smiled and flew over to his house. I got there sooner than I expected. I entered and he pulled me close kissing me deeply.

"I did it." I said.

"Alright then." he said kissing my neck.

"What are you doing?" I slightly blushed.

He didn't answer, he just continue kissing me and bite down hard enough to give me a hickey. I sighed in pleasure. It wasn't long before we were upstairs, completely exposed on the bed.

He was above thrusting into me hard and fast. I moaned out in pleasure. Oh how I've missed this feeling of being taken by him. I bite down hard on my lip, gripping the shhets below me tightly, until he finally reaches his climax and comes all over inside me. My back instinctively arched and I screamed out his name.

We laid tiredly on the bed after that huge experience. It feels so good to be like this again. He wrapped his arms protectively around me and nuzzled into the back of my neck.

"I love you." he whispered.

"Me too."

I fell asleep that night in his arms, never wanting to leave...


The bright sun hit my face as I woke up the very next day. I looked around the room, gathering in my surroundings when I notice I'm in Shenron's house. I blush suddenly remembering what happened last night.

I look over to see Shenron still asleep. He's such a cutie. I kiss him getting out of bed and get dressed. He wakes up not too long after and sneaks behind hugging me tightly.

"Hello my beautiful queen."

"Hello my dashing king." I chuckled.

"I guess you gotta go back to Capsule Corp hm?"

"Yep. I still have kids to take care of ."

"I'd love to a kid with you."

I blush at his words, then giggled and kiss him.

"See ya."

I flew away to Capsule Corp. When I got there, Bulma pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Ewww Kohlra, you smell. Go take a shower. Geez, did you have some hardcore sex or someth-"

She stopped mid sentence when she saw me blush and look away.

"Oh... Well, just go before someone else smells you "

I didn't wait another second I took a quick shower and put on some new clothes. A simple white short sleeves shirt, black leggings and a pair of flats.

I still couldn't get the memory of last night out of my head. I blushed as my tail waved around excitedly.

I love you Omega Shenron...

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now