Fixed or Forever Broken? Goku's Departure

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Hey guys. I might not update much cause it's almost August and I have to get ready for school. Anyway, enjoy the story!


A few months later, the kids and I moved in with Goku and Karat was due in a week. The house was too small for all of us so we built another for the kids to stay in and another for all of us. I was in the mountains collecting food while Goku was at the hospital for a check up on his heart. He still couldn't breath well late at night so we usually hung out outside. We can't keep doing that anymore though, so we asked a doctor to help us. Anyway, I had just dropped off a basket of berries and nuts at the house and went back to get some more until I felt something push me down onto my back.

"What the fuck!? What's going on!?"

My legs suddenly felt cold as I realized someone had just ripped off my pants. I struggled to break free from the weirdo's grip but sadly failed as I was knocked out. Everything faded to black.

I woke up under a small tree. It was so cold... I looked to see my clothes next to me and I was completely exposed. My face turned bright pink as I started to gather up my clothes and out them back on.

"Oh my fucking Kami... Oh my fucking Kami!"

No... This couldn't be... How could someone do this? Why? Why!? And why me!?

"I've... I've... I've been...raped..."
Goku's POV

I was finally at home after coming back from the hospital. I wanted to leave sooner but Bulma wouldn't let me. It's not my fault I have a fear of needles! So I was in the kitchen of the house we all share waiting for Kohlra. The berries, nuts and meat were all on the counter along with some cooking supplies.

"That's weird... She should be here by now. Where did she go?"

I spotted Prince walking by. Maybe he knows something.

"Hey Prince."

"What is it?" he said rather rudely.

Wow, Kohlra was right. He really is just like Vegeta.

"Have you seen your mom?"

"Last I saw her, she left to get more berries. But that was about two hours ago."

Two hours? She's never been out that long just do get berries. Something's up, and I wanna know what. Without a second thought, I ran outside and was about to fly off until Kohlra grabbed tightly onto my shirt.

"Kohlra-chan! Thank goodness, I was so worried. What happened?"

"G...Goku-kun... I-I was r-raped..." she began to cry.

What!? Someone raped my girlfriend who was pregnant with my baby!? How dare they!? She continued to cry in my arms and I held her tightly.

"It's ok... I'm here, who raped you...?"

"It was my ex..."


Calm down Goku. Just calm down. I took a deep breath and hugged her tighter.

"Tell me where he is..."

She nodded as we flew over to Omega Shenron's place. Boy was I pissed. I've never been this mad before, not even when Chichi treated me like dirt. For awhile, Shenron and I were arguing while Kohlra just sat on the sidelines. After about 30 minutes, we left and headed home.

Back at our place, Kohlra laid on our bed with tears in her eyes. I was on the verge of crying myself. Our daughter was ruined by him. That bastard.

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