The Sixth and Best Day

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It was the next day, only one day to go until he finishes the therapy. I honestly couldn't be happier. But I remembered our argument yesterday. If I hadn't brought up marriage, we wouldn't have fought. I sighed as I made his dinner. He was suppose to come home early today. It was already 9. My tail frizzed up in surprise when he hugged me from behind. I blushed and looked at my silly Goku smiling.

"Welcome home Goku-kun."

"Hey Kohlra-chan. Is dinner ready?"

"Yep." I handed him his plate.

After he ate, we went to our room. He pulled me close to him making me blush.

"Kohlra... I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday. And I wanna make it up to you, I think you'll like it."

"What is it?"

He took out a small box and got down on one knee. Inside was a diamond ring, it was gorgeous.

"W-Will you marry me?"

"G-Goku..." I blushed "Yes! Yes I will!"

We hugged tightly and kissed. I couldn't believe it. I'm finally going to be with Goku, I'll be his and he'll be mine.

"Can we have a little fun?"

"What do yo- oh. Sure." I blushed a little.

He smiled and started kissing my neck, causing me to purr. I felt something grab my tail and moaned as Goku began to stroke it. We looked at each other blushing, his eyes were filled with lust now as he smirked. Goku, smirking? Well I'm fucked.

He pinned me to the floor, ripped our clothes off and began to kiss my neck again as he kept stroking my tail. Only this time he left a trail of kisses down to my chest as I kept moaning out in pleasure.

"You like that kitty?" he kept stroking my tail.

"Y-Yes." I moaned out.

"Then how about this?" he put my tail into his mouth making me blush deeply and bite my lip.

He pulled it out and chuckled as he climbed on top while I was on the floor slightly panting, my body practically begging to be taken. He cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a deep kiss as he slowly entered me. My moans grew louder and louder in the kiss as he began to thrust. We pulled away for air and he continued to fuck me.



He grabbed my hips and pulled me into the thrust. I cried out in pleasure as he moaned. He leaned forward smirking at me.

"I won't stop until you come my sexy kitty." he whispered in my ear.

I blushed at his words and thought to myself. Goku is a lot more sexual than people think once you get to know him. You may think he's a nice and innocent guy, but he knows his stuff. I was snapped from my train of thought when I felt him push deep into me. I screamed in both pain and sweet sweet pleasure.

"Goku..ah...d-don't stop...a-ah...!"

"I won't." he kept on.

My back arched and I cried out as I came. I must've tightened up because Goku came only a few seconds after. We laid on the floor panting after that intense session. Eventually, after another round of sex and a bath in the river, we went to sleep. Goku cuddled me from behind and I giggled.

"I love you Goku-kun."

"I love you too Kohlra-chan."

Finally, I have my Goku back.


Hey guys. Sorry this is late. I was really busy yesterday. I have some news. I might not update as much as I use to cause I have school in one month so I'm gonna be pretty busy this month preparing for school and getting my summer work done. Also a lot of things have been going on and I get upset very easily cause I'm kinda a sensitive person so I won't be updating either cause I'm doing work or my mind's not ok at the moment.

I'm trying to give you guys the best work I could give, I don't wanna give y'all bullcrap. So my mind has to be good enough in order to do that. I've tried my best for this chapter and I hope you liked it. I'm trying my best nowadays but hey enough of about me. Um, please read my the rest of my stories. I'll try to find a good villain for Turles the Saiyan Part 2 and hopefully get it started by either this month or next month so yeah. Recommend my tales to a friend, a family member if you want and have a fabulous day! See ya and goodnight (It's 9pm where I live). Bye bye! :D

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