Brides and Babies

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Finally after weeks of preparation, the wedding is finally here. The same old thing. I walked down the aisle in a long white gown with a bouquet of white pansies.

The pastor, one of Shenron's friends, soon began. He did his introduction and moved on to the vows.

"Do you Kohlra take Omega as your husband?"

"I do."

"And do you Omega take Kohlra to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

He pulled me into a deep kiss as we left the church to his house. He began to kiss my neck causing me to blush. Afterwards he removed our clothes and laid me on the bed kissing me passionately.


Months passed since the night of our wedding. That was one dosey of a honeymoon. Shenron never went all out like that before. But of course I started to feel sick again.

I puked a lot and I always had trouble getting up in the morning. I thought of what Bulma told me the first time so I went to the bathroom and took a test. Afterwards it confirmed that...


I tried my best not to jump for joy and immediately ran to Shenron hugging him.

"Whoa, what's got you all worked up?"

"Oh silly, I'm pregnant!" I smiled.

A blush appeared on his face as he hugged me tightly. I felt him feeling around my stomach and smiling.

"Well he's gonna be a strong one, that's for sure."

He? So I'm having a son? Oh, who cares? As long as he was our child, I wouldn't care what his gender is!

"So what are we gonna name him?"

"How about Draco?"

"Draco? fits perfectly!"

We smiled at each other and hugged. I had a very good feeling about this. As for me friends and family, not so much.

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