Messed Up Minds

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Days passed since the affair. I'm such a baka. Bardock wouldn't leave me alone though. I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't go away. In case he tried to have fuck me again, I made sure Shenron and I had sex every night.

Then one day, I notice hadn't talked to me for a week. I was kinda worried. I hope nothing bad happened. I teleported to his house to check up on him. The place was a mess. Instead of sex slaves, he could use a few maids. I saw him asleep on the couch completely naked. He must've had sex last night. I sighed and shook him to wake him up. He groaned before opening his eyes smirking.

"Hello cutie."

"Yeah whatever. Get up, this place is a pig stall."

He sat up and yawned before looking at me with a bored expression.

"Look. I'll agree to be your slave. But A SLAVE not a sex slave. You need someone to help you keep your house clean considering how much sex you have."

"Alright then. But you'll have to do everything I say."


He grabbed me by the arm and pushed me down onto the sofa. My face turned bright pink when he laid on top of me and started ripping my clothes off. He kissed me deeply causing my face to become warmer. Then he flipped me over and pushed himself inside my ass.

"Yes my slave." he moaned.

I bite my lip, trying to contain my moans as he started to thrust into me. He pushed father into me moaning softly. I felt like I was being raped again. But for some reason I liked it. I shouldn't be, it's messed up, but I do. My instincts took over and I moaned pressing myself against him. I could feel he was happy to see that because I turned around to see him; his eyes shut closed tightly, biting his lip and slight sweating. The sight made me blush.

He went faster and harder making me moan in pure bliss. I felt like such a whore, but I had to find a way to correct myself. But right now I couldn't. He kept going on and on. Damn it, I wanted him to come already so I can leave. Well, a part of me did. Another wanted me to stay even after his release.

"Yes my slave. I love you."

I could only moan in response as he continued to thrust into me. We both turned into our strongest forms just to keep the pace. Something was telling me to...

No! He's not gonna do that! I don't even know why I'm letting him take advantage of me like this!

"Please tell me you're not gonna tell anyone about this..."

"I won't as long as you don't leave me."

He kept going until he finally came making me scream out in pleasure. We took a short break to clean up the house. Everything was perfectly neat. I laid back on the couch when Bardock got on top of me making me blush.

"Ya know, I fucked you a lot in your ass. I think it's time I go for the other side."

He put himself inside my area making blush madly. He did the same thing he did before and thrusted hard and fast until he came once again. I laid tiredly on the sofa and he cuddled with me, sound asleep. I sighed, cleaned the house again, got dressed and went home to have another round with Shenron.

"Kami, what am I doing with my life... I'm a horrible wife and a no good mother..."

I sighed as I flew home. My plan worked and I was able to convince Shenron to have sex that night. I'm a really fucked up person.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now