Diana, Kohlra's True Colors

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The following week, I hadn't talked to Shenron. I've seen him around town with my sister, but I chose to walk the other way. I don't know why, but I still felt connected to him. I was bring too overprotective. Bulma got worried, but I assured her I was fine...even though it was a lie.

I was in the park trying to keep myself calm until I heard laughter. I his behind a tree and looked at the two people making jokes. It was them. Sakura and Shenron. My heart immediately stopped, what's going on?

"So how do you usually sleep at night?" he asked my sister.

"Depends. If it's hot outside I just sleep in my underwear."

"Oh really? Can I sleep with you?"

"No Shen." she laughed.

"Darn." he chuckled.

What's going on...? No, this can't be happening...

I was on the verge of tears. My own sister, my best friend since I was little... She betrayed me... How could she? I wasn't willing to watch what else would happen. I teleported away before they could spot me.

I landed at the forest I grew up in before my Earthling father found me. I sat under a tree and cried. Why was I like this? Why am I crying all because I saw him flirting with another girl? Was it because I was still in love with him? How could that be? I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me.

I felt something grab my arm and I reacted. I took out the knife in my pocket and stabbed it. I didn't care where, as long as it got the message. I looked up to see who or what it was. It was just a strange man. I struck him in the neck.

I smiled at my deed and glide the knife across the rest of his neck causing blood to spill everywhere. I pulled it out and let his corpse fall to the ground. My smile stood in place as I was covered in blood. I remember now. I remember the joy of killing. And it feels so good. (Author: I changed some details in the story so if you see this ("...") that's the person's thoughts. This (...) is for songs or writings. Everything else is the same.)

"Now the world will know my pain... The agony I feel in my heart... Shenron... Sakura... You'll see that the blood I spill will be on your heads. You betrayed me. Now the world will pay for your actions!"

You can call me insane, a maniac, a psychopath. But it won't matter. Your words will only fall on deaf ears. This is the true me. The me I've been hiding since birth. And she has finally awoken. After so long, she is awake and ready to kill.

I returned to Capsule Corp, still covered in blood with the knife in my hands. Bulma rushed over, but stopped in her tracks and gasped at my state.

"Kohlra!? What happened!?"

"Don't call me that..."


"I said don't call me that! I am not Kohlra... My name... My name is Diana."


"The Kohlra you knew and loved, this is the true her. I've been locked away deep in her heart and soul since she was born. I'm Diana, the true Kohlra the Saiyan!"

"Kohlra! Stop this! This isn't you!"

"Shut up..."

I walked passed her and up to my room. Removing my clothes and heading to the shower to clean the blood off. I turned the water on and stepped in.

"Those fools. They'll pay. They'll all pay."

"Now... Let the murder begin."

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now