Upsetting Relationships

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Weeks have gone by and Draco became such an adorable little boy. Shenron was out walking around town. I hope everything is alright. He's been gone for five hours. That's when the door slammed open and someone grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. It was Shenron, but what was he so mad about?

"Honey, are o-"

"It's over."


"It's over! I know you cheated on me and had sex with Bardock!"

My eyes widened in slight shock. I knew people would find out eventually.

"Why!? Why did you do it!?"

I stood silent, too ashamed to answer him until I heard Sakura and Silvianna walk in. They're faces clearly said they were disappointed in me. I looked down, making sure none of them saw my eyes.

"Why did you do it? Answer me."


Draco started crying and I shoved Shenron away walking to my son. I picked him up and held him close trying to comfort him.

"Kohlra..." Shenron said "I... I-I..."

"All of you... Get out..." I growled.



My sisters left without a word, but Shenron stood there starring at me. I gave him the death glare but that didn't make him leave. After what seemed like hours, he sighed and finally left.

"You'll get this place back tomorrow." I slammed the door before he could say anything.

Draco was still crying but not for long. After awhile, he was finally asleep. I sighed in relief and took him to bed. I was packing up my stuff along with children's until the phone rang. I picked it up wondering who it could be.


"Hey cutie."

Oh great. It's Bardock. Just what I needed. (She's being sarcastic btw.)

"What is it?" I growled.

"Whoa, what's gotten you all worked up?"

"Cause you wanted to fuck me, my husband left."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Yeah like hell you are." I hung up until it rang again.

I was so annoyed I just put it to voicemail and went back upstairs. Then I called Bulma to ask if she could send people to help me leave and if I could stay again.

"Sure," she said, "but why?"

"Shenron found out about Bardock."

"Oh... Ok."

"Thanks Bulma."

"No problem."

I hung up, started to get ready and prepared the kids.

1 year time skip

A year passed since I moved out. Killtime, Star and Crystal are grown up now and don't have to deal with me much. I didn't see Shenron much but I know he moved on through rumors. Did I care? Surprisingly no. I got over him faster than I thought.

I was still a little depressed but hey when am I not, right? Mg phone started to ring and I picked it up. Someone sent me a text message.

"Meet me at the cafe in an hour. See ya then hot stuff. XOXO"

Who the hell would send me this shit? I might as well see who they are and what they want. I sighed boredly and got dressed. I wore a tank top, a black skirt and flats. My style may be weird but it's what I like.

I arrived at the cafe waiting for the weirdo who sent me the text until Bardock showed up.

"Hey, you actually came."

Crap, he was the one who sent it.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry for causing what happened a year ago happen. I promise I'll make love to you everyday, I'll try to make you happy."

"Go find yourself another girl. I quit."

"No, why?"

"Cause I know you won't be loyal..." I said feeling my face warm up a little.

"Yes I will. I'll save most of my time for you."

"No you won't."

"Yes I will."

He teleported us to his house, more specific...his bedroom.

"Look, I'll make time for you right now."

He kissed me deeply, trying to push me onto the bed. I pushed him away frowning.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I... I fell in love with you ok!? And when I see you around fucking other girls it pisses me off. So I'm leaving you. I don't want to be around someone who doesn't love me the same way I love them."

I felt hot tears form in my eyes but I wiped them away quickly. I felt him pull me into a tight hug. It felt...right. I felt so warm and safe...

"I do love you..." he said "and I always will..."

"Promise I'm not just another slave...?" I hugged back.

"No. You'll be treated the best, as my wife and queen forever."

He kissed me again but this time I didn't object. I blushed and slowly softened into the kiss. The sensation was really good. After that, we kinda got losed into the moment.

He pushed me onto the bed, ripping our clothes to get them off and kissed me passionately. I could feel his member harden until he shoved it in me, making me scream out in pleasure. My face turned bright pink and my mouth hung open as I let out a silent scream while he fucked me.

Bardock's POV

Oh my Kami she looked perfect. Her face flushed, her mouth wide open as she panted. It was almost like I was looking at an angel. I smiled at her, kissing her and wrapping my tongue around her own. I could hear her moan in pure bliss. Even while I was fucking her she looks so innocent. God, if this was a dream I never want to wake up.

"I love you Kohlra." I moaned.

"I-I love you too Bardock."

Her voice is great too. Man, I can't believe I actually stole her from a shadow dragon! I'm surprised he didn't kill me when he and I fought months ago. I was caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize I was going a little too hard on her. But the way she looked turned me on faster than you could wala. I couldn't hold it anymore.

I threw my head back moaning out her name as I came inside her and fell down next to her. Both of us, completely out of breath. Once I was able to recover from that intense release, I laid on my side and cuddled with her. I kissed her gently on the lips.

"I love you... Now that we're together, we don't have to hide anymore."

I looked at her, she was already asleep. She looked so adorable, I never wanted to let go. I wanted to make her mine forever but I don't like being tied down. I'm not that kind of guy. I'll have to talked with her about it later. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Goodnight love...

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now