The Final Day

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I was home. Goku had already left by the time I woke up. The kids were at school so it was just me, Draco and Karat. Draco was only a year old but somehow he could do everything an average toddler could do. Maybe it was because he's half Shadow Dragon? I don't know. But he also seemed a bit down, most likely because he doesn't know his father. In all of my divorces, I still allowed the fathers to see their children. But they never come back.

On the bright side, they seem to love Goku. Junior and Escar even call him Daddy. The only person who isn't getting used to him yet was Prince. He's as stubborn as Vegeta. I'll have to get him to talk to him about being nice to Goku. He tries really hard to make my children happy.

"Maybe I should go to Capsule Corp and talk to Bulma about it."

So I flew over with Draco and Karat. When we got there, Draco was talking with Vegeta while I was with Karat talking with Bulma.

"So you and Goku are finally tying the knot hm?"

"Yep. But there's just one problem, Prince doesn't really like Goku."

"Well he is Vegeta's son Kohlra."

"True but he should still warm up to him. Goku does everything in his power for that kid but he just won't budge."

"Let me talk to him after school." Vegeta interrupted.

I nodded in response. If Prince would listen to anyone, it'd be Vegeta. They have the same amount of pride, arrogance and they trash talk the same. Plus he's his father. He'll definitely listen.

"Ok Vegeta. Thanks." I smiled.

Vegeta's POV

Great, there goes that goofy smile again. I turned the away trying to hide my blush. But like always, that woman saw right through it. She did that stupid giggled of hers which wasn't helping my blush. That wretched Earth woman laughed at my behavior.

"What's so damn funny!?"

"Oh Vegeta, you're such a laugh."

"Silence you fool!" I yelled.

"Ok Bulma, that's enough. We don't want him to blow a fuse." Kohlra smiled.

I folded my arms over my chest and turned away, walking to the Gravity Room. Now all I have to worry about is Prince. I personally don't blame him for hating Kakarot. That low class stole the woman who was to be my mate. And she's fallen completely in love with that clown. I'm afraid I can't get her back. But, if Kakarot is what makes her happy then Prince has to behave.


I had to go over to the school anyway. Pepta was there talking to Prince and Escar until I walked over.

"Hi Daddy." Pepta smiled.

"Prince, you're coming with your brother and I."


"We need to talk." I scowled.

He silently nodded. The three of us flew back to Capsule Corp. Pepta put his things down and went to play. Prince and I remained in the living room.

"Is there a problem Father?"

"Prince, you are aware that Kakarot and your mother are getting married correct?"


"Then after the wedding, you must behave yourself and treat him like family."

"Um... Father, are you ill? Do you even know what you're saying?"

"I do. And I'm saying you should treat Kakarot like a father, not a rival. Your only rival is your brother. Don't take it out on him."

"Fine..." he sighed.

"Good. Look, I don't like this anymore than you do but Kakarot is protecting her. He won't harm her in any way."

"Alright. I'll try."

I sighed and pulled him into a hug smiling. Kohlra was right, he is as stubborn as me. Well the apple really doesn't fall too far from the tree. That's how the Earthling saying goes correct? Oh no matter.

I took Prince back to Kohlra and Kakarot's house. Prince said he'd apologize to Kakarot as soon as he comes back. Kohlra gave me a quick hug making me slightly blush.

"Thanks for convincing him Veggie."

"Whatever. It's a fathers duty to ensure his children behave well so I was only doing my job."

She giggled making my blush deepen and hugged me one last time. I went back home and laid tiredly on the couch. Prince is my only connection to Kohlra. Sure when I look at him I remember the horrible things I did to her. But I also feel glad when I remember the night we slept together. I sighed in frustration. Oh Kami why did all this have to happen?

Kohlra's POV

We were all home. I was cooking dinner while the kids were playing. Goku walked through the door smiling.

"Welcome home."

"Hey Kohlra-chan." he gave me a kiss.

"So how did it go?"

"It was fine."

I looked over to Prince who was sitting at the table. He sighed and got up walking over to Goku.

"Is something wrong Prince?"

"Mr Kakarot, I apologize for how I've been treating you. You are taking care of and loving my mother so I will treat you with more respect."

"Um.... Ok then." he smiled.

Prince simply walked back to his room to play video games with Junior. Goku looked at me confused.

"What just happened? Prince isn't normally one to apologize to anyone, including me."

"Vegeta talked to him earlier today. He must've convinced him to apologize."

"Wow. I knew Geta would come around one day. I should really thank him tomorrow."

"Ok. But let's start eating." I said finishing up dinner.

After we ate, the kids went to go play again and Goku put Karat to bed. We cuddled in bed and smiled.

"So when are we gonna have the wedding?"

"Probably 4 months from now. We could do it sooner if you want."

"Sure. How about in one month?"


It was a good day today. I just hope the therapy helped.


Hi guys. I'm at the dentist right now so I decided to write this chapter since there's not much to do. I hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm gonna try to continue Turles the Saiyan Part 2 either later today or tomorrow. Have a nice day! Bye bye!

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