A Bad Holiday

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Time Skip to 2 Months Later

It was almost the 4th of July. One of the best holidays of the year. It might not be as good as it was before my grandfather left. He use to take me to a cliff every year and we'd watch the fireworks. Today I prepared to leave to my home town.

"I'll be gone for just a few days."

"Don't worry Mom, I'll take care of everything." Killtime, who is now a teen, said.

"Ok then."

And with that I left.


By the time I arrived at my home town it was already time. It was 7 pm and the fireworks were about to start. My grandmother came over to me and hugged me. I didn't like her, she treated me horribly so I pushed her away.

"Oh darling, I almost forgot. You can't watch the fireworks tonight."

"What!? Why not!?"

Great. First she took my freedom now she's taking my happy childhood memories!

"Because I said so."

"This is why I hate you! Grandpa's gone and going to that cliff brings back all the times we shared! Now I'm never getting those memories back all because of you!"

I flew away to the forest crying. I know it was childish of me but that's what I am. Childish. My whole life had hit rock bottom. Guillermo wasn't around anymore and I don't know why. I don't know what happened to him. All my memories that I cherished so dearly are gone. I'll never get them back.

"Damn it, I hate my life."

I felt so alone. Like I was abandoned, forgotten.

I miss everyone. I miss my friends. I miss Guillermo. I miss my grandpa. I... I miss Shenron!

Wait...what? It couldn't be true... I miss him? But why? Why would I miss him? But I didn't care. I continued to cry and cry, constantly telling myself how awful things have gotten.

Then memories came back. Memories of me and Shenron. I don't know why these memories came back to me, but I miss the feeling of them.

How he was always there for me. How he made me feel loved. Letting me know that I wasn't alone and I will never be forgotten. I missed it.

More and more tears ran down my face as I cried, not even paying attention to the noises of fireworks, poppers, cheerful laughs and just everyone having a good time.

After the noises finally stopped, I wiped away as much tears as I could and went home. I couldn't take this holiday anymore. That night, I once again cried myself to sleep.

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