The Second Day, Our Little Karat!

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The next day, I woke up next to my little puppy, blushing as I remembered what we did last night. He went a little too wild. I woke him up and we went to eat breakfast. He left afterwards leaving me with the kids. It was September, the first day of school. They went to the bus and I went to Capsule Corp with Draco. Vegeta smirked as I walked in with my son and rather large stomach.

"Well well well Kohlra, were you and Kakarot busy last night?"

"H-How did you...?" I blushed.

"I sensed his power level rise when you did it." he chuckled.

"Shut up!" I blushed more.

"I'm only kidding Kohlra. Come, sit. Bulma is in her lab." he lead me to the living room.

I sat on the sofa with Draco in his carriage and watched TV with Vegeta. We were watching Frozen and Draco giggled when Anna punched Hans in the face. Vegeta and I cracked up too.

"That bastard had it coming!" Vegeta laughed.

We continued to watch movies until it was around 8 pm. The door bursted open and in came a happy looking Goku. I smiled sitting on the sofa with Vegeta, Draco and Bulma who had just got out of her lab.

"Hi Goku!" Bulma smiled.

"Hello Kakarot." Vegeta smirked.

"Goku-kun!" I quickly hugged him.

"Hi Kohlra-chan. I did everything quickly and they let me out early. I'm still a little exhausted."

"It's ok. I'm just glad you're here."

We hugged tightly until I felt my stomach aching and water dripping from my legs.

"Oh my Kami! Kohlra, your baby!"

"Wait what!? Now!?" Goku said in surprise.

I held onto Goku as the three of them lead me to Bulma's lab. Vegeta helped me onto the exam table as Goku held my hand and Bulma gathered the water and towels. Vegeta told the kids to stay upstairs and watch Draco.

"Ok Kohlra, 1...2...3!"

I pushed and screamed, holding Goku's hand tightly. This really hurt, to think I'd be use to this by now.

"Come on Kohlra-chan, you can do it. Just a little more." Goku comforted me.

I kept pushing and pushing, giving it everything I had.

"Ok I can see the head! One more push Kohlra!"

Finally with one last effort, I heard the cry of a baby. Panting, I looked up to Goku smiling and Bulma holding a pink blanket. He helped me to sit up and she put my daughter in my arms. She was so adorable.

"She looks a lot like you Goku-kun."

"Well she's got your eyes Kohlra-chan, and your beauty."

"I bet she has your appetite." I giggled.

Bulma and him laughed. I looked over to Vegeta who apparently had fainted on the floor, his face bright pink and eyes wide. Most likely from seeing my area and all the blood. We laughed as Goku and I looked at our newborn daughter. He gently kissed her forehead and smiled.

"I love you Kohlra, you and Karat."

"I love you too Goku."


Back at home, Goku and I along with Karat sat on the sofa with Draco, Prince, Escar, Junior, Star, Crystal, and Zey. (Author: I changed Killtime's name cause I felt like it) Now we're all one big happy family. The kids went to bed while Goku and I were in Karat's room.

"Aww, she's so cute." Goku smiled.

"P-Papa! Papa!" Karat said.

Aww, her first words. Goku smiled at his daughter.

"Aww, she said 'Papa'! Now, say 'Mama' Karat. 'Mama.'"

"M-Mama! Mama!"

"Aww." I said.

"Wow she's smart, just like you Kohlra-chan."

I smiled as we continued to play with Karat. She smiled and giggled, saying "Mama" and "Papa." Goku even taught her how to say "chicken." After we put her in her crib and Goku sang a lullaby to her, we headed to bed ourselves. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and kissed his.

"You're really good with Karat Goku-kun."

"Yeah, I'm just trying to be a good daddy. Didn't your ex boyfriends do that too?"

"No, some of them didn't even pay attention to my kids."

He had a disgusted look on his face, and I honestly don't blame him.

"Why? They their kids."

"I don't know..." I sighed." I don't even know why I dated any of them in the first place."

"Well I'd do anything for your kids, except for Prince. I don't think he'll like that, him being Vegeta's kid and all."

"I know, but I'm sure he'll warm up to you." I smiled.

"Ok, if you say so. But no matter what, even though most of em aren't not my kids, I'll still love them like they are."

We smiled at each other and kissed. I knew Goku was the one, he fought death and is still fighting for me. He's treating my kids like his own. I truly know he's the one. And I'm not letting him go.

"I love you Goku."

"I love you too Kohlra."

And with that, we went to sleep. I dreamt of the final thing I ever wanted from Goku. Marriage.


Oooo! What do we have here? Kohlra is ready for a commitment! How will this play out? Will Goku propose to the female Saiyan as she desired? Find out on the next chapter! (Or the next few chapters) :P

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