The Terrible News

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I was in the living room reading Peter Pan with Karat when Goku walked into the room with a concerned look on his face.

"Is something wrong Goku?"

"Can you head over to Capsule Corp for a moment? Vegeta needs some advice."

"Sure, just watch Karat while um gone."

He nodded in response as I left to CC. When I walked in, Vegeta pulled me into a tight hug and cried on my shoulder. What the? He never cried before, not even in front of me.

"Vegeta? What's wrong?"

"Bulma...she's in the room and she...she..."

"She what? What happened to Bulma?"

"She... She tried to kill herself...!" he said in between sobs.

Oh no. Why on earth would she do that? I hugged him tightly and and patted his back. He continued to cry and cry in my arms.

"It's ok... I'm here for you..." I wiped his tears away.

"Thank you Kohlra...."

I smiled a bit to reassure him. He seems so broken, so hurt. And I can understand that.

"Where's Bulma?"

"She upstairs in our bed resting."

At least she's alive. That's good. He pulled me into another hug and I did so too. I hope I can help him recover.

Vegeta's POV

Kakarot said earlier that I could do whatever I wished with Kohlra, but I just can't. For one, Bulma isn't well and I can't bring myself to cheat on her when she's in this state. And no matter how much I hate to say it, Kakarot is a good friend. He loves Kohlra more than his old family, more than his life, more than his food, more than the entire fate of the planet and universe! Yet he's allowing me to use his beloved wife to make me happy. But no matter how much I love Bulma, I still feel for Kohlra. Maybe just one kiss wouldn't hurt, right?

"Kohlra... C-Can we kiss?"


"That's only if you want to. It's just one. Plus Kakarot gave us permission to do whatever we wish."

"Well if Goku said it's fine, then I guess it's ok."

"Thank you."

She smiled a little at me. I cupped her face with my hands and pulled her close, our lips only mere centimeters apart. My face felt warm and her cheeks were as red as a rose. I moved closer having our lips meet. I kissed her.

The warmth of my face increased as I placed my hand on the back of her head and pulled her closer to me. We pulled apart a few short moments after. Her face still a beautiful shade of red.

"T-Thank you Kohlra."

"No problem Vegeta. Do you feel better?"

"A little." I looked down.

We spent a few moments together. Me almost on the verge of tears again and her hugging me tightly. We kissed a few more times and just relaxed. I glanced at her a few times as we watched the television but looked away when she glanced back at me.

"So what else did Goku say?"

"Um..." I blushed slightly.


"We could 'stuff' together."

"Wait, he said that."

"Yes. And he's fine with it as long as I don't impregnate you."


"So, do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" I yelled.

"I do- ...oh. You mean that."

I saw her face turn pink. After silently starred at the floor for two minutes, she nodded. I led her to the guest room which just had a window, a closet and a bed. Our clothes were removed and moved to the bed, me climbing on top with her on the bottom.

"Are you sure about this Kohlra?"

"Yes, go ahead. If it's ok with Goku, it's ok with me."

"Ok. So are you ready?"

She nodded.

"I'm ready."


We laid tiredly on the bed panting and sweaty like it was 1000° in the room. We had just gone through only two rounds and I'm exhausted. Having it with another Saiyan truly is different than with a human.

She cuddled up with me making me blush. I looked over to her, still exhausted from what we did. She was smiling at me, that big stupid yet beautiful grin of hers.

"Do you feel better or worse?"

"I don't know. A better I guess. Thank you Kohlra, and thank Kakarot for me when you get home."

"I will." she nodded.

She got up, put on her clothes, kissed me quickly on the cheek and left. I stood in the bed siting up. I don't really liked doing that. I forced her. That was awful of me to do. God damn it Vegeta, what the hell are you doing to yourself?

I sighed in frustration and fell back. My eyes closed slowly and soon enough, I was asleep.

Kohlra's POV

I took a quick shower when I got home and told Goku everything. He was glad that Vegeta felt and so was I.

"Peppa wasn't effected right?"

"No, our little boy's just fine Goku. I saw him put protection."

He nodded in understanding and smiled.

"Thanks for doing this Kohlra. But are you sure you're ok with this?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

He actually fell for it. But I didn't want my problems to get involved in this. Vegeta's feelings is all that matters at this moment.

"Well let's head to bed," he smiled and licked my neck "But not before we have at least one round. It's been awhile."

I slightly blushed and nodded smiling.

"Ok Goku-kun."

He smiled and took me to our room where he ripped at our clothes and laid me on my stomach. He whistled as he stared at my butt making me blush.

"Damn, that's as nice ass ya got there honey." he licked me.

"Damn it Goku, don't tease me."

"Ok." he chuckled.


I laid on the bed, Goku having his arms wrapped around me. We haven't had it that hardcore since the day before and after the wedding on our honeymoon which was 5 weeks ago. He was already asleep and I soon followed him. But I still wasn't comfortable with what happened between me and Vegeta.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now