Unexpected (Not Really) Proposal

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I woke up in my bed feeling a huge pain in my head. Boy, this is the worst migraine I've had since my sister got pregnant with her fifth child. Bulma walled in and sat by the bed.

"So you're finally awake."

"H-How long have I been out...?"

"About a week."

I heard footsteps approaching fast and I felt something hit my face hard. I held my cheek, looking up at Vegeta who had just slapped me in pure rage.

"What the hell Kohlra!? Why would you try to kill yourself!? You had us and your children worried sick!"

I flinched as he yelled at me. Bulma sighed and held him back.

"Vegeta, remember...she's going through tough times..." she said.

Vegeta sighed and, unexpectedly, hugged me tightly. Bulma joined and so did Prince whom had just entered the room.

"Also, Shenron called yesterday. He said he wanted to talk to you today."

"Did... Did you tell him I..."


I sighed in relief and smiled. The three of them nodded and left the room so I could get dressed. I wore my average saiyan armor and flew over to his house.

Once I got there I opened the door to see Shenron smiling.

"Hey babe, I wanna show you something."


He took me to a very high and beautiful hill that rested above a gorgeous lake. There was a picnic, all set up! He sat down and made a gesture for me to sit next to him.

I did so and he gave me a plate of food. I ate it almost in a single gulp. He finished his and stared at the plate. I looked at it to see...a ring?

He picked it up and bent down on one knee. I felt my face flush.

"Kohlra, will you be mine again...and this time forever?"

I nodded, completely left speechless.

"Yes..." I said still stunned.

He pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss.

"I love you Kohlra."

"I love you too Shenron."

That was it. The spark I've missed. It feels...just like when we first met. I felt...happy. I was finally and truly happy again.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now