The Fifth Day, Vegeta's Feelings

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I'm just gonna time skip to the next day in the afternoon cause FUCK THE POLICE THAT'S WHY!!!! Enjoy. :P

Author's POV

The next day, Kohlra was in Capsule Corp with Draco and Karat. Her ex boyfriends Gohan, Guillermo and Bardock were arguing over her. She was depressed when she heard Bardock say he never liked her and only liked the sex. She felt used, like some sick sex doll people can use whenever they wished. Goku also left for good that morning. He was never going to come back. So here she was in Capsule Corp on the sofa. Tears welling up in her eyes, Vegeta next to her and Bulma watching the little ones.

"It's ok Kohlra, I'm... I'm here for you." Vegeta said.

Kohlra weakly smiled at the prince as he wiped her tears. He smiled back at the young female warrior. She hugged him tightly, making him blush.

"Stop woman! Get off of me!"

"Nope." she smiled.

He sighed and stood there blushing and letting her hug him. She was always the goofy typez even while working for Frieza when she was a preteen. But no matter how annoying she seemed, the Saiyan prince secretly harbored feelings for the silly girl. When she announced that her and Goku were a couple, it angered him. His rival, dating the girl he loved. But now wasn't the time to think about this. Kohlra needed him, so he was going to do whatever it takes to make her the happy and goofy girl she's always been.

"Kohlra, why don't we head outside and relax a little?"

"Ok Vegeta..."

Vegeta's POV

We flew outside to a small clearing in the woods. She laid on the grass and patted a spot next to her. I blushed a little but laid down anyways. She looked up at the sky and pointed to a cloud.

"That cloud looks like... Goku..." she said sounding upset.

I frowned and pulled her close to me. She still seemed sad. Even though I'm evil, I admit I love seeing that beautiful smile of hers. If she's happy, then so am I.

"Quick Vegeta, think of something to make her smile."

I pointed a cloud that looked quite stunning to be honest.

"Look at that cloud Kohlra. It looks pretty, just like you." I said with a smile.

She giggled at my remark and hugged me tightly, making me blush a little more than I already was. I kept the smile on my face, but I don't know why. It didn't matter anyhow. She was cheered up a bit and that's the important thing. Her beauty was devine. The reason why I wanted her when we first met. I didn't mean for my lust to go so far as to rape her when she was married. I still remered my impression of her...


I was on the Lookout speaking to the "Guardian of Earth" named Dende. He was warning me about the dangers of going into the Hyberbolic Time Chamber a third time when a girl came up to us and began to speak to him. I looked at her trying to contain my blush. She looked stunning, like nothing I've ever seen before. She glanced at me and stood straight.

"Hi there."

"Oh Kohlra, this is Vegeta."


She stared silently at me for a moment before smiling like an idiot.

"Hi Vegeta."


I continued my conversation with the Namekian but she butted in a few times. I told her I didn't like muffins, which frankly was a lie. After arguing with her on the phone, I met up with her in the forest. Her eyes were filled with rage and the moon shined gorgeously upon them. Her one sleeved shirt revealed her bra strap, her low hanging collar left her cleavage exposed, not to mention how good her ass looked in the shorts. I tried to keep myself from biting my lip at her beauty and fineness, but it drove me insane.

The argument continued. Her dominant and challenging side turned me on faster than you can say abracadabra. Man, did I want to take her here and now. And that's exactly what I did. I warmed her that if I tried to make her stop complaining, I'll rape her. She asked how and I pulled her close to me smirking.

"Do you want me to show you?"

"N-No!" she blushed and stuttered, which was cute.

I threw her to the ground and tore her clothes apart as well as removing my pants and underwear. I climbed on top and thrusted into her. God was she tight. I moaned in bliss as I fucked her, making her scream and her face flush. It wasn't long before I came inside her. But when I pulled out, there was no blood. No where. She wasn't a virgin, which kinda disappointed me. She slapped me across the face, filled with anger, and yelled out the explanation to my question "why isn't she a virgin?"

She ran home as I stood in the forest, regretting my actions.

End of Flashback

Ever since that day, I've been in love with her. And as the years went on, not just for her beauty but for who she was. We laughed and joked about who the clouds looked like. I cracked up when she insulted the old man, Roshi. Finally it was time to head back to Capsule Corp. Bulma must've been panicking about our absence. Once we arrived, and Bulma calmed down, I turned to face Kohlra. Enough of this hiding. It's time to confess.


"Yeah Veggie?" she said making me blush from the nickname she gave me a month ago.

"Um... I... I like you..." I said, my face still flushed.

"Um... I like you too."

"No! Not as friends woman!"

"I... Oh. You meant that like."

I sighed in frustration. Here comes the rejection...

"Vegeta... I..."

However, she was interrupted by the door being slammed open and Kakarot running inside.

"Kohlra! I'm so sorry for what I did earlier. I still want to be with you, I love you. Please give me another chance." he practically begged.

She smiled at the low class and hugged him.

"Of course I will Goku."

Great. Just great. Kakarot, my rival, stole the heart of the woman I love...again. I guess I'm stuck with the annoying Earth woman for the rest of my life. But Kohlra's happiness us all that matters to me. Screw my own petty feelings. As long as she's happy, I'll be fine. I faked a smile as she looked at me and hugged me as well.

"Thanks for today Vegeta. You really made me feel better. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome Kohlra." I patted her cute little head.

She smiled at me as she left with her children and Kakarot. I sat sadly on the sofa, thinking of her.

"Kohlra, wht don't you feel the same why I feel about you? If Planet Vegeta was still around, this would've been some classic love story. As a prince, I must marry and mate with a high ranked female and you must mate with a low class. Our love would've been forbidden, but I wouldn't care. I'm in love with you Kohlra. I've always have been, for all these years. I'd do anything for you. Why don't you feel the same?"

Oh God, I'm so obsessed with her that I'm starting to sound mushy and I keep rambling on and on about my feelings. But, what was she going to say before Kakarot showed up? Was she just going to reject me or was she going to tell me something different? Damn it, I'm the Prince of All Saiyans! I shouldn't be getting worked up over some petty, low class female! But I can't help it. Oh Kohlra, what have you and your kindness done to me?


Ooooo! Looks like our little prince has been bitten by the live bug! >w< This looks exciting! Who will Kohlra choose? And what was she going to tell Vegeta? Is this stuff leaving you excited for more or no? Like, are you curious about what's going to happen or not? I'm just wondering. Also, I don't which major villain from DBZ should be used for the second part of Turles the Saiyan Part 2. So if you have any ideas please tell me. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the story. :D

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