The Wedding

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Hey guys, sorry if this isn't good. I'm having...issues with my family at the moment so yeah...

It was 11:23, the wedding was at 2:30. Goku had left with the Z Fighters to get ready for the ceremony. Videl and 18 watched the kids while Bulma and my sister helped me put on the dress. They also put my hair into a small, wavy bun. It looked pretty. Finally, the veil. The two of them gasped and smiled.

"Oh sis, you look beautiful!"

"Wow, Goku's a lucky guy Kohlra." Bulma smiled.

"Yeah, you look nice." Videl added.

"Hmm... It's ok." 18 said.

"Thanks girls." I smiled.

"Ok! No time to dilly dally! Let's go! Go! Go!" Sakura yelled.

We all rushed out to the ceremony. Sis was at the alter "fixing" Goku's suit and finnaly went to her position. Someone took my arm surprising me. I turned to see it was Vegeta, all dresses up in a nice tuxedo.

"Oh hiya Veggie."


"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"I don't know."

"I'm giving you away fool!"

"I know that but why?"

"The woman wouldn't get off my back about it." he growled.

I smiled gently at him, and saw a slight blush on his face.

"So how do I look?"

"You're fine." he remained blushing.

I smiled and looked forward at the alter as the music began. We walked down the aisle, everyone staring at me. I felt so nervous, I thought I would die. Finally we reached the end. Goku and I both blushed and smiled at one another as everyone took their seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Son Goku and Kohlra. If there is anyone who thinks these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The audience stood silent, even Gohan and Guillermo was quiet. Vegeta seemed to be having a bit of trouble, but he didn't say anything either.

"Alright. Now it is time that the couple exchanges their vows."

"I'll go first," I smiled "Goku, you've made me the happiest girl on the whole planet. We've had our ups and downs and a few close calls but through the worst of times, you are the only thing I've thought about. You made me smile when I was sad, brave when I was scared... You're my world. I love you and I never want to leave you."

The audience awwed making me slightly blush. Goku smiled at me.

"Kohlra, when I first met you, you were a broken spirit who didn't know what to do. I was going to help you as a friend but after awhile it got deeper than that. Out of the small seed of happiness you carried in your heart and the joy I loved to give you and the unforgettable moments we shared, you stole my heart and it will always only belong to you because I love you and you give me purpose."

I smiled. That truly touched me. No one has ever told me that before. Oh Goku...

"Aww, I love weddings. Anyway... Goku, do you take Kohlra as your thoughtfully wedded wife? To love and care for her through sick or health, rich or poor, life or death?"

"I do." he smiled.

"And do you Kohlra take Goku as your thoughtfully wedded husband? To love and care for him through sick or health, rich or poor, life or death?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronunce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Goku removed my veil and pulled me close kissing me passionately. I kissed him back as everyone cheered.

"I love you Goku-kun."

"I love you too Kohlra-chan." he smiled and kissed me again.

I kissed back and smiled. We're finally together. Best day of my life.

"Ok everyone! Let the party begin!"

Everyone drank, danced and had one hell of a good time! The kids played a few games like Twister, Uno and Pin the Tail on the Donkey. It was fine. I sat with Goku on a bench when the gang gathered around.

"Congrats guys." Yamcha said.

"Thanks." Goku smiled.

"Can I tell them now?"

"Tell us what?" Krillin asked.

"Should I tell them?"

"No lets do it together."

"Ok. Guys, we have a surprise."

"What is it Dad?" Gohan asked.

"We're having another baby." I smiled.

"WHAT!?" they all yelled.

"It's true."

"Congratulations!" Videl smiled.

"Looks like Karat is gonna be a big sister." Bulma chuckled.

Vegeta stood silent for a fee moments before sighing and smirking.

"Don't have too many kids Kakarot, you'll grow soft and won't be able to keep up with me." he laughed.

"You're on Vegeta."

Bulma and I rolled our eyes and giggled.

"Do you think you can watch the little ones?"

"Of course Kohlra."


"See you at the battlefield Kakarot."

"Right. But for now," he said carrying me bridal style "Kohlra and I have a honeymoon."

I blushed and smiled. Everyone laughed at his remark.


I nodded and he took off as everyone else cheered and waved goodbye.

"Have fun you two!"

"But not too much fun!"

"Congrats with the baby!"

"See ya later!"

That was one hell of a celebration, the best I ever had. And I liked it.


I woke up the next day in bed with Goku's arms wrapped around me as he slept. It was so cute. I smiled and kissed his cheek as I got up from bed. Then I put on the closest thing I could find which was Goku's gi shirt. I remembered that we changed back to normal clothes for a bit before having sex. His clothes were a little big on me, but I didn't mind.

After doing my business in the toilet and brushing my teeth, I went back to the room to see Goku sitting on the edge of the bed smiling at me. He got up and pulled me into a hug.

"Good morning beautiful." he smiled.

"Good morning."

"How are you and Peppa?" he placed a hand on my stomach.

"We're fine." I smiled.


Our lives are great now. But what took him and Vegeta so long to get to the ceremony? Maybe it was traffic? No, they most likely flew over. Maybe they got lost? Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'll just ask them later. Now it's just time for my new family.


Hey guys, how was it? I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!

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