Cheating Death and Choosing Names

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Hello my SaiyaWarriors! I hope you enjoy the next chapter cause it might be long one... Might be. Enjoy! :D


Two months had passed and things couldn't have gotten any better. Goku and I are together and our daughter is turning out just fine. I was sitting on the sofa with Escar and Draco. I sighed remembering what happened these past months. Shenron tried to win me back but I'm not leaving Goku. No way in hell would I ever do that! Plus the Z Fighters have been brought back to life. But today, I couldn't shake this bad vibe I've been feeling for awhile. Like, something bad is going to happen. Vegeta came running in panting like a dog in the middle of Africa.

"Kohlra, I have some bad news..."

"What is it Vegeta?"

He looked down at my daughter and son and gave them a look.

"Escar, take your brother and go upstairs. The grown ups need to talk."

"Ok Mr. Vegeta."

She picked up Draco and carried him to get room. Vegeta turned back to me and sat by my side.

"I don't know if there's an easy way to say this but... Kakarot is dying."

"W... What?"

"About a year ago, Future Trunks came back and told us Kakarot was going to have another heart disease. He didn't explain how or when, all he said was that Kakarot might not make it this time..."

I sat in shock. Goku was going to die? My Goku-kun? No, this has to be a joke...right?

"I'm sorry Kohlra..."

I fell in his arms and cried. No, this can't be happening. No no no! I'm not gonna lose my Goku!

"Please Vegeta... Take me to him. Take me to Goku."

He nodded in reply and took me to Kame House. I butsted through the door, tears staining my face.

"Where's Goku...!?"

"Kohlra? What are you doing here?" Future Trunks asked.

"I'm here for Goku. Now where is he!?"

"He's upstairs." Android 18 said.

I up the stairs and into the room to see Goku lying in bed. I stared in heartbreak as Master Roshi and Bulma looked at me.

"Is... Is he ok...?" I was on the verge of tears.

"He's been talking in his sleep so he's still alive." Krillin said.

I sighed in relief and sat by his side putting my hand on his chest. Strangely, he grabbed the hand I put on him and held it. Everyone looked in surprise, but what happened next was even more shocking.

"K-Kohlra... I'm coming..."

He was thinking...of me? An uncomfortable smile found It's way to my lips as tears of small joy fell from my eyes.

"Oh Goku-kun..."

Bulma put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Come on Kohlra. Let's wait for him downstairs."


She helped me to my feet and took me downstairs where the others were gathered. I sat on the sofa as Bulma hugged me. I just hope everything goes well....

Vegeta's POV

Poor Kohlra. Damn it Kakarot, why did this happen? It's not fair to her and it definitely isn't fair to us. I sighed in the room watching as they fed him another piece of the medicine. I glared at the boy who had helped us saved the planet when the androids attacked.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now