Horrid Attempts

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Weeks passed since I've taken the test. Things only got worse when my grandmother started calling me. She offended me dearly when she said "I understand if you were mad at me if I was gay." I highly support homosexuality and I'm bisexual. She's a homophobic jackass. I've hated her since I was a child.

Everything got me depressed. Although my sisters have cut themselves, I never snapped like that before... Until I went to a store, bought some rope and went back to Capsule Corp.

I bursted through the door, not even bothering to close it. Bulma looked at me, her eyes filled with worry. I gave her a reassuring smile that said 'everything's ok.'

I walked into my closet, that was nearly empty, and held up the rope tying it around my neck. That's right, I'm going to kill myself.

I pulled the ends of the rope causing it to tighten around my neck. I gasped and breathed heavily for air, trying to make it as painful as possible. My scream cracked a few times and my eyes started to slowly close.

I couldn't see anymore and my breath slowed down until I felt something, or someone, trying to pry my hands from the ends of the rope.

They succeed and my vision returned to normal. It was Bulma. She was saying something but I don't know what. Apparently the lack of oxygen affected my hearing and I had gone deaf until...

Everything went dark...

Bulma's POV

I was shaking her, yelling her name.

"Kohlra! Kohlra answer me!"

She had fell unconscious. Why would she choke herself with rope!? I'm just glad I found her in time. I kept shaking her and shaking her, getting no response.

I put my ear to her chest, she was breathing. I sighed in relief. At least she was alive.

Vegeta walked, more like ran, in and stared at me and Kohlra like he had just seen a ghost.

"What happened!? Why is Kohlra on the ground!?"

"She tried to kill herself and fell unconscious. I don't know why though."

He sighed and picked her up, carrying and setting her down on her bed.

"Why would she do this to herself...?" I asked.

"I have been noticing how depressed she's gotten."

"You're right... She's always been such a happy person that she barely shows how broken she is inside..."

I sat at her bedside holding her cold hand gently. After all she's been through, how her life has been since childhood...she must've just snapped.

I sighed and tucked her in bed. Vegeta and I started walking out the room when we saw Prince looking at us. The poor child, he had teats in his eyes. He must've heard everything.

"Dad... Why is Mom acting like this...?"

Vegeta bent down to Prince's height and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"People sometimes do things because they're upset inside. You're mother is a pretty strong woman for holding this sadness for a long time, since she was a child. She'll be better soon, don't worry."

He gave a reassuring smile, which he only received a weak one from his son. I smiled as well as Vegeta took Prince back to his room.

I looked back at Kohlra who was laying down on the bed covered in the sheets. I just hope she ends up ok.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now