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Months passed since then. Bulma had left several weeks ago and won't be back for a long time. Vegeta got pretty depressed about it. I tried to talk and help him but that could only do so much. I currently was in the kitchen of my home making lunch. Goku came in and hugged me from behind kissing my cheek. I smiled at him.

"Hi Kohlra-chan."

"Hi Goku."

"Whatcha making?"

"Turkey sandwiches."

"Mmm. Sounds tasty." he kissed my lips and sat at the table.

I gave him the sandwich and went to clean the dishes from breakfast this morning.

"So what are you gonna be doing today?"

"Training at King Kai's. Is that ok?"

"Yeah. The kids don't come home until 7 and Karat can come with me to my sister's house."

"Ok then, if you say so."

I put everything away after Goku finished eating. We relaxed a little on the sofa. My stomach started aching and Peppa was kicking more violently. I groaned in pain and held my stomach.

"Kohlra, are you ok? Is something wrong with Peppa?"

"I-It's ok. I'm f-fine."

"Are you sure?"

Before I could answer, a huge wave of pain filled my body. I screamed out in agony. Everything was happening so fast. It was not long after that I blanked out.


I woke up in bed covered in sweat and panting heavily. What the hell happened? Goku was next to me, holding my hand and smiling.

"G-Goku? What happened? Where's Peppa?"

"He's right here." he walked over to a crib and held up a small white blanket.

He sat next to me and gave the baby to me. He was so cute. He had black hair and tail. His eyes looked like Goku's. It was adorable. I smiled at him.

"Hi Peppa. I'm your mommy."

"And I'm your daddy." Goku smiled.

The baby giggled and reached out for Goku. I chuckled as Goku kept smiling at the newborn.

"Aww, so cute."

"P-Papa! Papa!" Peppa said.

He called Goku "Papa." Just like Karat. It was so cute I could hardly stand it. We went downstairs and sat on the couch. I nearly fell from giving birth but Goku caught me just in time.

The rest of the day was simple. I announced Peppa's birth to everyone, they congratulated us, the kids came home, we introduced them to him, we are dinner and everyone headed to bed.

I came into the room after putting Peppa to sleep and laid next to Goku. He pecked me on the lips and smiled as we cuddled in bed.

"I love you Goku."

"I love you too Kohlra. And nothing will ever change that."

He fell asleep first, but I couldn't. For some reason, I was thinking of the past. All the memories I shared...with Shenron. I lightly shook my head and slapped my cheek. No, he's nothing to you now. He doesn't care for you, you don't care for him. That's it. I sighed and slowly fell asleep.


Hey guys, sorry if this chapter is short and sucks. I'm too lazy today but I wanted to make another chapter for y'all so I hope you liked it. Plus my stomach really hurts so yeah. Bye bye!

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now