A Team of Love

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Months have gone by and the little 'spark' with Bardock was gone. All he wanted to do was have sex with me and other girls. He hasn't taken me out on dates and he won't help with the kids. I also started getting more depressed than usual. I had enough. I'm going to speak my mind. And as if I summoned him or something, he popped right through the door hugging me tightly from behind.

"Hello my queen."

I pushed him off of me growling in anger.


"What? WHAT!? I'm leaving you that's what!"

"Why? Is it because I'm sleeping with other girls?"

At least he knew one reason.

"It's not just that. I barely know you and all you ever do with me is have sex! Nothing else! Well I'm sick of it."

"No! Please stay, I'll do anything!"

"No. You're also disloyal. I'm not dealing with that."

I thank Kami I didn't love in with him. I just agreed to watch his house while he was 'out' for the day. I left the house flying to the city to clear my head. Boy, all this bullshit is giving me one hell of a migraine.

I felt myself bump into something and fell back. I held my head in pain and looked at the person who I probably pissed off. It was Gohan. I immediately blushed, considering I had a huge crush on him even though he was with Videl.

"Oh, sorry about that Kohlra. You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good. I was worried I hurt you there for a second."

"Nah, I'm as solid as a rock." I chuckled.

"Heh, yep."

"So uh, how's Videl and the baby?" I asked.

"Oh. Videl left with Pan about a year ago but I'm over it."

"Really?" I asked trying not to jump for joy.

Now that Gohan and I are back on the market, we can go out!

"Yep. So don't worry about me. What about you and Shenron?"

"We broke up too..."

"Oh... Sorry to hear that..."

"Yeah it's ok."

We stood, more like flew levitated, in silence for a little while. If I didn't kiss him now it'd be the end of me!

"So um... Gohan."


"So now that we're both single um..."

Should I ask him out? Maybe I should. Ok, here it goes.

"Do you wanna go...ya know...go out...?"

"Like in a date?" he raised an eyebrow.


I looked at his face seeing his cheeks a bright crimson. It was so adorable. I didn't even notice he was coming closer to me until I felt something touch my lips. He caught me into a deep kiss and I happily fell into it. We pulled away, both of our faces bright pink.

"Ok." he nodded.

I smiled hugging him tightly. He laughed at my silliness and hugged back.

"Well I gotta go. But I'll see ya later."

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before flying off and waving goodbye. I did one of those in love sighs and flew away to Capsule Corp, happy as a cat catching a bird. But I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and accidentally crashed through Bulma's window. Heh, my bad!

"Oh crapbasket, sorry Bulma!"

She ran through the house and sighed as she saw me laying on the floor surrounded by broken glass fragments. I laughed nervously and sat up.

"What's gotten you so happy you broke my window?" she asked smirking.

"Um... New guy."

"Really? So you left Bardock?"

"Yep. He wasn't a good boyfriend."

"Yeah. So who's the new guy?"

"G-Gohan..." I blushed.

She starred at me for a moment and chuckled.

"Well it does makes sense why he wanted you to be Saiyagirl."

"But he was with Videl at the time."

"And? Most married couples end up liking other people. I know Goku and Vegeta have a thing for each other." she laughed. (Author: lol. I just felt like putting a bit of yaoi in there to make it more interesting. XD)

"Haha. I guess you're right."

She smiled at me until Draco started crying again.

"Don't worry Momma! Pepta and I will handle it!" I heard Escar say from her room.

I smiled gently. Even though I'm a bad mom, my kids are still kindhearted. That's the good thing about them. And I love that. Hopefully they won't be a problem for Gohan. Well, I'll just have to wait and see.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now