A Broken Family

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Things were pretty good after the wedding. Although I didn't really get to see my sisters with all the crazy shit going down. So I went to their village to check on them.

I saw Sakura there. She was different than before. She was around a group of people, seeming a few years older than her. She also carried weapons. What the hell happened?

"Sakura? Is that you?"

"Oh hey Kohlra. Long time no see."

"What the hell are you doing with these guys?"

"What was that little punk?" one of growled.

I stepped back nervously. Boy, these jackasses don't mess around.

"Hey. Calm yourself," she said then turned back to me, "Look sis. I'm a little busy right now so come back later mkay? Also, Silvianna's kinda mad at you."

"What? For what?"

"I don't know. She won't tell anyone. Just go check on her."

Oh for Kami's sake, what did I do this time?

I sighed and walked over to her house. I knocked on the door, no response. I waited a few seconds before knocking again, no response. What the hell?

"What are you doing?" a voice said behind me.

"Silvianna. I came to check up on you."

"Well you can leave now." she said angrily.

"What did I do to piss you off?"

"You never came back."


"You never came back! You were always hanging out with your new friends and you completely forgot about us! I bet you don't even know that Sakura and I have more kids now!"

I took all that in for a second. Oh please, like I hadn't been through enough hell as well.

"You think you have it so rough? Well guess what, you don't! I've been through as much fucking hell as you so shut up. I had a lot of things going on ok!?"

We stood there in silence just staring at each other. Silvianna let her head hang.

"Just go. Leave."

You don't have to tell me fucking twice.

I immediately flew away without a second thought. I belong to a broken family now. It's completely messed up. Oh Kami, what have I done? My life is a mess.

I came back home slamming the door behind me. Shenron looked at me a little worried.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is fan-fucking-tastic." I growled.

"What happened with your sisters?"

I looked down in shame, not wanting him to see my tears.

"They're no longer a part of my life..."

I left to the room without waiting for his response. I closed the door and slid down crying.

Kami just end this. Kami just fucking end this.

I no longer can live a normal life. I'm broken.

Author: hey guys. Sorry if this is short. I'm a little sick right now and I have a low tolerance for my grandma being kinda a moron. I could hardly breath and she doesn't understand I have a phobia of bugs, insects and arachnids. Anyway I'm gonna try to make these chapters as long as possible. Hope you're enjoying!

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