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Awhile had passed since I murdered the Z Fighters. No one even knew it was me! Earthlings are such idiots. I also left Gohan. Considering I've turned into a monster and I didn't want him involved in the whole situation. Besides, him and Videl were remarried. But strangely, I've gathered up emotions for Goku ever since he and Chichi divorced. And I've been getting vibes that he liked me too. Am I a player for leaving a man and falling in love with his father? Oh well.

I was just hanging in the park hanging out when I heard giggling. Oh great, happy people. I went to see what was going on when I saw them again. I growled in annoyance. Why do they always pop up wherever I go and start laughing like they did nothing to me!? It's really irritating. But it didn't matter if I was mad anymore, because he kissed her.

"Calm yourself Shenron." Sakura said as they laughed.

He kissed her and she laughed!? Worst of all, she's taken!? She's fucking lucky I don't inform Kenta about this. But my heart shattered. How dare she... I backed away and flew as fast as I could, not even bothering to look back. Unfortunately I bumped into something and fell back a bit. I looked to see that it was Goku.

"Sorry about that Goku." I said.

"Heh. No worries Kohlra. It's ok."

I smiled at my friend and he pulled me into a tight hug. My face started to warm up as I felt his heart beating in his chest.

"So um..." he blushed.

"What's wrong Goku?"

"I was wondering... Would you like to, I don't know... Hang out sometime?"

"Hang out?"

"Well not necessarily hang out. I"

He sighed in frustration. The poor guy...

"Are you asking me out on a date...?" I blushed.


"Oh. Ok then." I smiled.


"Of course."

"Great! Meet me at the cafe tonight."

"Ok then. See ya!" I flew off in excitement.

This is only the second time my crush asked me out. Pretty exciting huh?


It was night and I was in my room preparing for the date. I wore a black shirt, leggings and flats when Vegeta stood in the doorway.

"I can't believe you're going on a date with that clown."

"And I can't believe the prince of my race fucked a low life human." I snapped back. "No offence Bulma!"

"None taken!" I heard her chuckle.

He sighed and leaned against the wall watching me as I brushed my hair, which only stayed in it's spiky form. Then I made my way down and out the window.

"Good luck!" Bulma yelled.

I flew over to the cafe where Goku told me to meet him. I saw him waving at me from a seat near the door. I sat across from him and smiled.

"Hey Goku. You look nice." I admired his plain white shirt and blue jeans along with his sneakers.

"Thanks. You look great too." he blushed.

The night went on greatly. He was so sweet and even volunteered to pay the bill. Although he didn't have enough, so I chipped in a few bucks.

"Hey so, do you wanna go to my place? It's kinda getting late."

"But didn't Chichi kick you out of the house?"

"Yeah but I live in my grandpa's old house now. It's a little small but comfy."

"OK. Sure."


He held my hand gently and teleported us to the little shack he lived in as a child. It was exactly as he said, small but cozy looking.

"Come on." he sat on the bed. "Sit next to me."

I sat by his side and laid tiredly on his lap. Sadly, I was in heat again. But I trust Goku. I know he wouldn't try to have sex with me.

"Um... Kohlra..." I saw him blush.

"Yeah Goku?"

"If you don't mind... Can"


"Can we... You know..."

I blushed. Scratch that, maybe he would want to have sex. But we were dating so it was alright I guess.

"S-Sure Goku."

He smiled, his cheeks stained pink, and took of his shirt revealing his toned, muscular body. I got off his lap to let him continue as he removed the rest of his clothing. I blushed, looking away and pulled out a thing from my purse.

"What is that?" he asked.

"If we're gonna have sex then please use protection."

"Oh ok."

He took it out my hands and I assumed he put it on. I didn't want to watch, it was tok embarrassing. I felt a set of strong arms wrap around and pull me close. I looked up at the taller Saiyan male blushing. He smiled gently at me as he took my clothes off leaving me naked.

"Are you sure about this Goku?"

"Yes. You can back out now if you want to."

"No, it's alright."

We smiled at each other as he set me on the bed. It was really soft. He climbed on top of me, his face redder than a rose. I purred as he began leaving a trail of kisses on my neck and down to my chest. After a small makeout session, looked at me. Both of our faces flushed.

"You ready Kohlra?"

"Yes Goku."

I moaned softly as inserted himself into me. He was really big. No wonder most girls prefer him over Vegeta. I've really fallen for him if I let him do this. Then he slowly began to thrust in and out of me, both of us moaning from the sensation. This felt way better than any intercourse I'd had with Shenron. He hooked my legs over his shoulders and began to thrust faster. I clenched onto the bed moaning as he moved faster and harder. Oh Kami, I'm losing myself.

"Goku-kun." I moaned.


After awhile, we moved onto the floor so we could have more room. Goku set me on my hands and knees as he pushed himself into mely ass. The same process went. He thrusted hard and fast, both of us moaned and blushed. Finally he collapsed beside me panting. That. Was. Awesome.

"Wow. Best. Sex...."

"Ever?" he finished for me.

I nodded with a smile as he picked me up bridal style, set me on the bed and cuddles with me. After a few minutes, I fell asleep in his arms.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now