Knowing the Lover

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I woke up with Bardock kissing my neck from behind in what seemed to be his bedroom. I blushed a little looking at him smirk.

"Good morning cutie~"

"Good morning." I replied.

He licked my neck causing me shiver a bit.

"How about we go for another round?"

"B-But I hardly know you." I said trying to avoid it.

"Ok, what do you want to know?"

"Well for one, how old are you?"

"23. What about you?"

"I'm... I'm 19."

"Oh really? I like girls who are a little younger than me." he purred.

I blushed looking away from his gaze.

"Ok. Why do you have so many slaves? I mean, why don't you just settle down with one girl instead of sleeping with several?"

"I don't know. Gine isn't really as horny as I get anymore and I can't choose which one I should leave her for," he said laying back with his hands behind his head, "so I just sleep with them. I have 18 slaves in total. Don't tell anyone ok?"

"I won't." I said.

"Thanks. But for some reason people get mad at me for doing that."

It was understandable why people would hate him. But I personally believe everyone should just be themselves, no matter how weird they are.

"Some of em are crazy...but you're special." he winked.

I looked away again, blushing even more.

"Really, how so?"

"I love when you press your ass against my cock. It turns me on." he said.

Oh no, this can't be happening. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he grabbed me and put me on his lap.

"I'm a little horny now. Can you do that again?" he cooed.

I did as he asked blushing from embarrassment. I heard him moan softly and I blushed more. He grabbed my chin and pulled me into a deep kiss as he started to fuck my ass again.

"I love you my Kohlra."

My face felt on fire and I could tell he felt the same. His cheeks were a bright shade of pink as he kissed me, wrapping his tongue around mine. I fell into the kiss until he pulled away, a string of saliva connecting out tongues.

He smirked at me with a satisfied look in his eyes.

"I'm a little hungry so I'm gonna go eat. We'll continue this next time, you can go home."

I nodded and quickly got dressed and left before anyone could see me. I stepped inside of Capsule Corp and saw Bulma with a confused look on her face.

"Kohlra, what are you doing here?"

"Bulma, I've made a terrible mistake!"

"What happened?"

"I... I slept with Bardock last night."

"You what!?"

"Shenron and I got into an argument and I was mad and I didn't know what I was doing and, oh my gosh it's just awful."

"Ok ok, calm down. Go take a shower before Vegeta and the kids wake up."

I nodded and cleaned myself quickly. I hugged Bulma and left. She promised to keep my secret and make sure no one found out.

I returned to Shenron's house to see him staring at me with his arms folded over his chest.

"Where have you been?"

"I spent the night at Bulma's house."


"Cause I couldn't stand being in the same room with you."

I now that sounded harsh but I couldn't tell him the truth. He sighed and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back, trying to hold my tears. I couldn't help it. The rest of that day, Bardock was always in my thoughts. I blushed whenever I thought about what we did.

Why am I so attracted to him? Oh no no... Have I... Have I fallen for him?

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