Arguments and Secrets Revealed

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Hi guys! Sorry this is late but I had to get my phone fixed and stuff. It took a few days so yeah. Enjoy the story!


The next day, Goku had already left to the next session. I got a phone call from someone but it was an unknown number. The person on the other line told me to meet them at the cafe. What could they possibly want? It didn't really matter, so I went to meet this mysterious caller. And big surprise, it was Omega.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Cheat on me!"

I have had enough of this nonsense. I had no other choice. The secret had to come out.

"I know a little something that will piss you off and unless you don't want to hear it, leave me the fuck alone."

"What is it?"

"You sure you wanna know?"


"Alright but you asked for it..." I sighed.

"Just tell me."

"It's not the first time I cheated on you."

I looked at him, a disgusted look written all over his face. Me, I honestly didn't give a single shit.

"Who was it!?"

"Remember Vegeta? It was him."

"You what!?"

"You weren't around much and I was lonely! He comforted me, we talked and it lead to sex!"

"You're a slut..."

"Call me what you want jackass. I don't give a fuck! Now leave me alone!"

I flew away, tears welling up in my eyes. To think, I fell in love with that jerk. I can't believe this. I'm trying to change, for Goku. I really love him, and assholes like Shenron keep keeping me in the past! After all I've done for that bastard. The insults I took for dating a villain like him, the secrets I kept from my closest family members... I did almost everything for him! And what do I get in return? Nothing but a broken heart. Love is a two way street, but not to him apparently...

"That bastard! Unbelievable! How the fuck did I even love him!?"

I stopped at Capsule Corp. I needed some time for myself. Maybe Bulma can watch the kids. I knocked on the door to have Vegeta open it.

"Kohlra? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you and Bulma."

He nodded and lead me inside. Bulma sat on the sofa looking at us.

"Kohlra? What's wrong?"

I let out a deep sigh. This is going to be hard, maybe. I don't know!

"I told Shenron."

"Told him what?"

"Of the affair years ago. And I need a little time to myself right now, so can you two watch the kids?"

"Of course we can." Bulma smiled.

"Well I can't leave my son alone so fine." Vegeta said.

I smiled and went back home. The kids gathered their things, I picked up the little ones and we all flew to CC. I waved goodbye and headed off to the forest I grew up in when I first came to Earth. I sat under a tree and sighed.

"Why DID I do it? Was it because I didn't care? Was it because I really am a slut? Was it because... I wanted revenge?"

That was it. That was the reason. He left me because he couldn't do one simple thing, lie. Meanwhile, I did everything in my power for him. And he did nothing in return. So I wanted revenge. I wanted him to feel the same pain I felt, having the person you "love" most in the world break your heart because they couldn't do one simple thing.

"To be honest..." I said to myself, "I never really felt the same connection with any of my boyfriends that I have with Goku. And none of them returned any favours for me, I did everything. But Goku, he fought death for me. That's the biggest and bravest thing anyone has ever done. And I love that about him. Red, he was with another girl while he was with me. Guillermo, he didn't really make me feel special and all he ever did was have sex with me. Gohan, he has a family. I can't keep him from that. Bardock just used me for the sex. And Shenron, I thought I loved him but in all honesty... I didn't."

I know this all sounds cheesy, but it was the truth. I thought I loved Shenron, but I didn't. It was just puppy love, that's all it's ever been. I was just too blind to see it. But now, I can finally see.

"I'm not giving up on Goku! Never in a million years! I will love him, always and forever!"

I looked up and the sky, it was night. A beautiful half moon in the sky, brightening the dark night sky. I laid on the grass and fell asleep, thinking of Goku.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now