The Apology

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The next day, I was still feeling...well you know. I was just out in the park with Draco, my knife in my pocket in case I had to leave a fee corpses in the area. My eyes were closed as Draco was drinking from his bottle.

"Hello Kohlra." a voice said.

I opened my eyes and pulled the knife out a little, ready to kill the person who disturbed my sleep...until I looked at who it was. A mixture of emotions flooded my heart: anger, hatred, sorrow, pain and love.

"What is it Shenron?" I nearly growled putting my knife back in place.

"I... I wanted to apologize..."

Apologize? Why would he apologize to me. But then it made sense... The argument.

"No. You had a right to be mad."

"But I still shouldn't have acted like that...and I'm sorry. Can we still be friends?"

Friends? He wants to be friends!? After what he put me through!? Draco was here so I couldn't yell at him, that'll make the baby cry.

"I forgive you." I said trying my best to stay calm.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug, but I rejected. I picked up Draco silently and flew away back to CC. I am talking neither to Shenron nor my sister. They've betrayed me.... How could they?

Shenron's POV

That was strange. I apologize and she starts acting like this? Well she always have been a weirdo. Oh well.

I sighed and went back to sitting under a tree. I was thinking of Sakura. She's so sweet, beautiful and well just perfect. The only downside is she doesn't love me the way I love her. I'm just a pal, but I want to be more than that.

"Kami my life's a mess."

I sighed. How did I get over Kohlra that quickly though? When we first met, I was so in love with her. But now I'm in love with her sister. I guess... I guess I wasn't really in love with her. Oh gosh. The worst part is we had a son together. What will the kid think when he finds out!?

But... It was her fault. She probably has no interest in me whatsoever. Hell, she got over me in a day I bet. I'll never understand Saiyans.

But also, what was she about to pull out of her pocket? I heard around town that she's been acting strange. One person even said she's become a killer and he saw her kill an innocent man last night. Yeah right. The Kohlra I know is too sweet to do that. She's not that cold hearted... Right?

Vegeta even came to me awhile ago and said she tried to commit suicide because of me... She is an emo and a depressed girl. So it is a possibility. Maybe she just snapped... Oh God, what am I saying? She's my ex, why should I care? Well, I don't! Kohlra the Saiyan is nothing to me now. And that's final.

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