The Fourth Day

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I woke up in the same spot where I slept last night, under the tree. I hope I didn't make anyone worried yesterday. I flew back to Capsule Corp to pick up the kids. While they packed up, Vegeta pulled me in his room. What could he possibly want?

"Kohlra, did you do anything rash yesterday? Why did you need time alone?"

"If you're wondering if I tried to commit suicide it's a no. I didn't. And it was my ex. I kinda learned that he didn't really care for me." I began to tear up a little.

He sighed and pulled me into a hug gently smiling at me while wiping away my tears. I returned a smile and hugged him tighter. We've been such great friends through the years. Even though he did awful things to me, I wasn't one to hold a grudge.

"You should head back home. Last night, Kakarot went hysterical without you. I'm starting to believe it's true love between the two of you." he chuckled.

I giggled a bit and nodded.

"Thanks for the support Veggie."

He slightly blushed growling and folding his arms.

"Don't call me that."

"Ok... Veggie." I teased.

His blush darkened as he turned the other way, but I knew he had a small smile on his face. I giggled and headed downstairs. The kids and I went back home. Goku was already at the hospital. I sighed as the kids put their stuff away. I set Draco and Karat in their cradles, rocking them back and forth humming a sweet melody that put them to sleep.

"I hope Goku comes home soon."


Late at night, Goku bursted through the door and hugged me tightly.

"Kohlra-chan, you're ok!"

"Of course I'm ok Goku-kun. I just needed some time to myself."

"I'm glad you're safe." he kissed me deeply.

I kissed back and smiled. Silly Goku, he worries so much about me. I really love him. He started kissing my neck gently making me purr in delight.

"I misses you..."

"I missed you too..."

He picked me up bridal style and took us to our room, laying me on the bed. Both of us blushed a bit when he climbed on top and licked my neck making me continue to purr.

"Can we at least have one round?"

"Fine. But you better wear protection silly."


We had one quick round of sex and bathed in the river. We laid in bed together, Goku cuddling me from behind and me purring like his cute little kitty. He fell asleep quickly. Meanwhile, I kept thinking about my feelings towards Shenron. How much I used to love him, and how much I don't give a shit now. Things have changed, and I just have to accept that. I sighed in frustration and went right to sleep.


Hey guys. Sorry if this is short, I'm not really in the mood plus I'm super tired but I owe y'all a chapter so here it is. The best work I could offer. Sorry if it's shit. I'll be better in the morning. See ya!

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now