Escar's Little Lover

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Escar's POV

The next day I went to school and I was surprised that Pepta was there too. After class I headed to the cafeteria. It was full of kids laughing and joking. I spotted Pepta alone at a small table. I walked over to him and smiled.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked.

He shook his head and I sat across from him.

"What's the matter?"


"Are ya sure? It looks like you haven't eaten your mac and cheese." I said looking at his full tray.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I took out a sandwich, broke it in half and gave it to him. He happily took it with a smile and ate it.

"Thanks Escar."

"No problem Pepta."

I slightly blushed, boy was he a cutie.

Pepta's POV

Escar is really pretty. I wonder if she'll be my girlfriend. Yeah right, like that'll ever happen. But I might as well try...

"Hey um... Escar..."


"M-May I k-kiss you...?" I stuttered.

I saw her face turn pink, it was adorable. She slowly nodded and I leaned closer to her. My face felt warm, I knew she felt the same. Soon I pulled her into a small kiss. It was...amazing.

We pulled away from each other for a moment. Alright, now's my time to ask!



"Do you wanna be my g-girlfriend?"

"Ok." she blushed.


She nodded in response and I pulled her into a tight hug. But how would I break it to my family? And her family?

Well I'd have to figure out a way to keep it a secret. The downside is that I never lie. I can't keep secrets from my friends and family. This is one heck of a challenge...

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