The First Date

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The next day, someone was shaking me. I woke up to see my two sons Junior and Prince along with Vegeta.

"Come on Mom, wake up!" Prince said.

I groaned and flipped over to my side.

"Five more minutes." I smirked under the sheets.

Yep. I was messing with my son. I saw Vegeta trying to contain his laughter.

"Mom! Come on! Get up! You're lazier than Mr Kakarot!"

I couldn't hold it any longer. I bursted out laughing, sitting up and getting out of bed.

"I'm just messing with you Prince." I chuckled.

Junior stared blankly in concussion and Prince facepalmed as Vegeta and I laughed our heads off.

"Alright you two, head downstairs so Bulma and your mother could start making breakfast." Vegeta said.

"Ok Mr Vegeta." Junior rushed out the door.

"Very well Father." Prince walked away and towards the kitchen with his arms folded.

I smiled at the two young saiyans and started to walk out the room until Vegeta closed the door. I looked at him feeling confused and a bit scared. What did he do that for?

Then he pinned me against the wall, a sultry look in his eyes. My face started getting warm. Oh no, not again!

"Vegeta, what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm a little hungry." he licked my collar bone.

I bite my lip trying to contain the moans that my body so desperately tried to let out. Vegeta chuckled and let go of me, letting me slide down the wall and starring at him in confusion.

"I'm just messing with you." he laughed.

I sighed rolling my eyes. Classic Vegeta. He helped me stand up and we left towards the kitchen. Bulma was already there waiting for us with a smirk.

"And what took you two so long? Were you two having 'fun'?" she giggled.

I blushed looking at Vegeta. His cheeks were bright pink as he growled at the woman he called his wife.

"Shut up Earthling! We were doing nothing of the sort!"

"Oh come on Vegeta, I'm just joking. I know if either of you tried it would just be a joke."

"Let's just go eat already." I suggested.

Bulma nodded in agreement as Vegeta just made a 'hmph' sound sticking his head up and started walking away. Bulma and I followed to see a bunch of saiyan children that were as hungry as a hippo! Our breakfast was more like a buffet.

After everyone ate, I let Bulma take a little break. She had work to do in the lab but I volunteered to do it for her.

"Are you sure Kohlra?"

"Of course. I may be a Saiyan but I'm still smart enough to be a scientist."

"Ok, if you say so."

Thankfully all she had to do was repair a few robots Vegeta, Pepta and Prince destroyed "by accident." Those boys will never learn. I was in the middle of repairing the second to last robot when Escar walked in with the phone.

"Momma, it's for you."

I took the phone and signaled Escar to leave the lab. It wasn't safe for her in here.


"Hey Kohlra."

It was Gohan. I hope nothing bad happened.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now