Anger Fueled Affair

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A few days passed and Shenron was trying to get me to talk about what happened with my sisters. I refused and he started to get annoying. He doesn't get it, I just want to be left alone. I understand he's trying to be a good husband but even married couples need alone time once in awhile.

But he still wouldn't leave me and we ended up getting into a huge fight. So now, here I am in West City all by myself. Unfortunately my friends pulled this little thing they called "Slap Ass Friday" and they were going around slapping random people's asses. I know a lot of guys who'd try to slap mine, so I tried avoided everyone I knew.

A was just walking along the street when I felt something hit my backside hard. I winced in slight pain and turned around to see Bardock. Oh dear Kami... I was still pissed so it was a bad time to mess with me.

He grabbed my hand and teleported us to his home. I broke from his grip, my face pinker than a flamingo from when he slapped my butt.

"What the hell Bardock!?"

"Oh come on, you know you want to." he smirked.

He was such a player. Calling the girls he slept with his "sex slaves." He tried to convince me to become one but I wouldn't allow it. Geez, I'm attracted more and more men by the day. And I frankly don't like it.

"No." I said simply.

"Oh come on!"


He hugged me tightly and a bit unexpectedly to be honest.

"Please. You know you love to be fucked from behind."

I blushed remembering how he first tried to have sex with me. Oh Kami...

"Why would you want to have sex with me?"

"Cause you turn me on."

I growled a bit to show I wasn't in the mood until he grabbed my tail and began to stroke it. Shit, my one weak spot. I purred in delight which apparently made him hungry for more. He started kissing me neck causing me to bite my lip. I didn't want him to hear me moan, he might do something bad.

"Come on cutie, let's fuck." he said.

I don't know why, but I gave it some thought. And I have to say, I still don't know why I did it.

"Well... Ok. But tell anyone and I'll snap your neck." I growled.

He smirked and pushed me onto the sofa. He began ripping off my clothes and his own, throwing them onto the floor. He put himself in me from behind causing me to blush and scream a little. I wasn't use to just going straight to fucking so it kinda hurt.

He pushed deeper inside me, I closed my eyes tightly and letting out a combination of screaming and moaning. I heard him groaning behind me making me blush more. It became worse when he grabbed my breasts.  We were moaning each other's names, him moving faster and harder and me practically screaming my lungs out.

I turned Super Saiyan just to keep up with him. But he started to slow the pace, making me lose interest. I pressed my behind against his member trying to get him to speed up. It must've worked considering he changed into a Super Saiyan 4 and went harder while he inserted a finger into my area.

With all this power, I'm surprised the sofa didn't break. He kept thrusting harder and harder, making me scream out in both pleasure and pain. But I liked it nonetheless. My tail wrapped itself around his arm. I blusheee like a mad man when he grabbed it tightly and went harder.

I thought I wasn't gonna be able to keep up. I turned into a Super Saiyan 2 so it won't feel like I'm being ripped apart. He continued the pace, turning into (Warning: uncanon shit happens in the story just so you know!) a Super Saiyan 5. My face was redder than a tomato. Then it hit me...

Wait... Is he wearing protection?

"P-Please tell me you're wearing a condom..." I moaned.

"Um... D-Don't worry about it." he stuttered going a little faster.

Is he serious!? Who has sex with someone they barely know without protection!? Unfortunately he made me slightly forget when he went full power, or what I guess was, thrusting hard and fast. He held my body close to his. I could feel that he was blushing just as much as me. We changed into our strongest forms, me a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and him a Legendary Super Saiyan God Legendary Super Saiyan 6. I moaned out his name as he finally came inside me. Surprisingly he still kept going which drove me insane. Then again he did have a lot of sex with other girls.

I can't believe I didn't lose my voice. It was hard to imagine. He kept thrusting into me and coming. I blushed madly at the question I was thinking in my head.

"B-Bardock, please let me pleasure you."

He stopped and pulled out staring at me. I saw a smile on his face as he kissed me.

"Go ahead Kohlra, pleasure me."

I got on my knees and licked the tip of his member causing him to moan. He grabbed my head pushed himself inside my mouth, probably trying to get me to deep throat him. I tried to pleasure him as much as possible but he soon took control and was fucking my my mouth. I started to gag as he moaned and kept going.

I licked and nibbled on his member earning sighs of pleasure from him. Oh, now he's driving me crazy. I want him to just come in my mouth so we can relax. And as if I just said a trigger word, he came inside my mouth like there was no tomorrow. We collapsed with him on top of me.

He started cuddling me, putting his head in between my breasts and causing me to blush.

"I love fucking you my Kohlra," he purred, "I love you."

I couldn't answer him with that. Even though I was mad at Shenron I was still his wife. Then I realized I did it again, just like with Vegeta. I cheated on him. I was about to say something when I noticed Bardock was already asleep. I sighed in frustration and chose to let him rest. Hopefully no one would walk in on us. I soon fell asleep myself wondering how I was going to explain why I wasn't home...

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now