The First Day

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I woke up with Goku asleep next to me. Weird, wasn't he suppose to be at the hospital? On my other side laid a note.

Dear Kohlra, the doctor said that I can still go home after each session of the therapy. I still won't be home most of the time but hey that's better than nothing, am I right? So I'll be able to stick around still. See ya in the morning. I love you~

"Love, Goku." I finished reading.

I smiled and shook him to wake him up.

"Goku-kun, wake up. I'm about to make breakfast."

His eyes opened as he smiled and kissed me. That's my silly Goku.

"Good morning Kohlra-chan."

We got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Goku fed Draco and Prince and Junior sat down talking about training, battle strategies and transformations while Escar helped me cook breakfast. After eating, Prince and Escar hung out and Junior played with Draco. Goku and I were on the roof just chilling. He smiled as he laid his hand on my belly and rubbed it.

"So how much longer until Karat is born?"

"About two days or so."

"Man, I might miss her birth... I'm a horrible father..."

"No you're not... Plus she could come in two weeks. Don't worry, everything will be fine. You won't miss her, I promise."

He smiled gently and kissed my cheek. I love him so much.

"Ok Kohlra-chan. If you say so. Well, I gotta go to the next session. See ya later."

"Ok. Be safe. I love you!" I yelled as he flew off to the hospital.

I really hope he recovers soon.

Later, I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes. I left Goku a plate in the freezer. It was really late, where was he? Suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around me and something licked the back of my neck. My silly puppy.

"Hello to you too Goku-kun." I giggled.

"Heh. Sorry I'm late."

"It's alright. I left you dinner in the fridge."

He nodded and took his plate sitting down and ate. It didn't take him long to finish and soon set his plate into the sink. I washed it and we returned to our bedroom. Goku started kissing my neck and taking off my shirt. How can I say no to him? I purred in delight as he started taking my pants and underwear off as well. He took off his pants and shirt and pinned me against the wall, starring at me seductively. His eyes were filled with lust. I've never seen Goku-kun like this. He poked my area making me blush deeply.

"Beg for me my kitty."

He can't be serious right? Oh well. It's not like this is the first time we've done this. I purred to get him excited and looked at him with a sultry look in my eyes.

"Please fuck me Goku-kun...pretty please?"

"Ok Kohlra-chan." he kissed and thrusted into me deeply.

I moaned from the pleasure and the little bit of pain. I looked up at him panting, he had a smirk on his face. Goku, smirking? Uh oh... I know he really means business.

Goku's POV

I looked down at my kitty as I began to fuck her senselessly. Her eyes half lidded, her face flushed and her mouth parted. It really turned me on. Kami, she's so sexy.

"More...please, give me more." she moaned.

I smirked at her and thrusted harder and deeper making her cry out in what sounded like pleasure. I love fucking my kitty. After fucking her roughly for a few moments, I finally came inside that sweet little velvet cave in her. Both of us screaming from the pleasure. Oh this feels so good. I laid on the floor panting with her right next to me.

"How was that?"

"I loved it."

"Can I have a treat?" I stood up.

She stared at me blankly and probably confused until she knelt in from of me and lick my member. I shivered in pleasure and grew hard. Oh Kami she drives me insane. What made it worse is she put my whole in her mouth and began to suck. I grabbed the back of her head and thrusted into her mouth, only making her suck more. I felt my release creeping up on me. Finally I came inside her mouth moaning as she gulped it down. I smiled kneeling down with her and hugged her tightly. She smiled back as we kissed.

"Come on, let's go to sleep."

"Ok." she nodded.

We took a shower and went to sleep. My third session starts tomorrow. I hope everything turns out alright.


Hola mi amigos and amigas! Wazzup!? No but seriously, I hope your day is fantastic! Well see ya in the next chapter!

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now