The Announcing

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It has almost been two months and the wedding was very close. It was only the next day matter the fact. I found my own dress (for the first time) and my sister barely had to do anything. Goku was going to wear the same suit he wore for his and Chichi's wedding. She died so it was in her honor. (None of you better say "use the dragonballs"!) It kinda upsetted me that Goku was doing it for her, but I guess I have to understand. Besides, he loves me and that's all that matters.

I wasn't feeling so well though. I've been sick for a month now and it hasn't gotten any better. So while Goku was off training at King Kai's and the kids were at school, I took a pregnancy test. It came out positive. I nearly leaped for joy at the news. I couldn't wait to tell Goku. He came back home about 30 minutes later. I jumped into his arms smiling.

"Kohlra? Is something wrong?"

"Goku-kun, I'm pregnant again!" I smiled at him.

He blushed and returned a smile. He picked me up and spun me around in his arms. (Like how Goku did with Chichi after he healed from the disease) He gave me a quick kiss and smiled.

"That's awesome Kohlra-chan!"

I giggled at his response blushing a bit.

"But we should wait until tomorrow to tell everyone."

"Ok." I nodded.

We sat in the living room for awhile. It was just us today since Bulma insisted to watch Karat and Draco so me and Goku could have "engagement alone time." Whatever the hell that means. During the time, Goku flirted with me a little and stroked my tail making me slighlty moan until the point where it was hard to not be turned on.

"Oh Kami, Goku~"

"Yes Kohlra?"

"I can't take it anymore..."

He nodded smiling and lead me to our room.


I wrapped my legs around him moaning as he kept thrusting deep inside me and kissed my neck. My face was flushed and it felt so good. He smiled down at me and went harder. I bit my lip to try and contain my screams.

"G-Goku... Harder, please. Harder."

"As you wish."

I screamed a bit as he did as I asked, thrusting harder and deeper. My face was probably bright red by now and my body was almost entirely covered in sweat. I threw my head back and screamed at the top of my lungs as he came heavily inside me. He later pulled out and laid next to me, both of us panting with flushed faces.

"I don't think...we've ever had sex like t-that..."

"Yeah... It feels g-good..."

"Well maybe...we could do this again...after the wedding..."

"You mean...on our honeymoon?" I asked.


I blushed slightly at the thought. That would be one hell of a start to the beginning of the rest of our lives together. I really like the sound of that. I nodded in response and smiled.


He smiled back and wrapped his arms around me. We cuddled for a few moments before going to the river and taking a bath so we could pick up the kids. After taking the kids home (including Karat and Draco) we all ate dinner and headed to bed. Goku was already asleep but I was wide awake. What if something happens tomorrow? What if Goku gets hurt before the night of the wedding? No, I can't lose him. I don't want to let him go. I sighed in frustration and just we to sleep, still worried about the possible tragedies.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now