The Fight

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Gohan and I have been going on dates a lot. I never expected this considering none of my other guys took me out on a date except for Shenron. Oh well. Now I was in the living room with Gohan and Draco watching TV. Who knew he had such great fathering skills. If he purposes, my answer will be an automatic "yes!"

"Kohlra!" Bulma yelled "Can you go get groceries for us?"


I got up from my seat kissing Gohan on the cheek.

"Be safe." he said.

"I will."

I left without saying another word and flew to the store. When I got there, I had already begun getting the milk, eggs, bread and many other items needed. After about an hour, I paid for the groceries and began to fly back to CC until I saw Shenron standing in front of me.

"What do you want?"

"So you're gonna have a problem with me?"

"Go away."


I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I tried to pull them back. Sakura and I were alright now because she's been spying on me and she knows what I've been doing. She told me that Shenron was in love with her and even though j wasn't with him, it still hurt to hear that...

"Just go away! Go to my sister since you love her so damn much! You don't think I regret what I did!? You think I actually felt something for him!? Well guess what, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG! Why are you even still hanging around!? Go away!" I screamed.

"I don't know... I guess it's funny how mad you got when you said I liked her."

That hit me hard. That sick bastard...

"So... Me crying is funny...?"

He gasped as he finally noticed the tears falling from my face. I was crying, right in front of him. Some of you may say I'm showing a sign of weakness... Well good. Now he knows he hurt me. He stood silent for a moment. His mouth hung as if he was going to say something.

"Kohlra... I-"

He was interrupted when Gohan flew over to me quickly and pulled me into a tight hug glaring at Shenron.

"Just go. You've said enough." he growled.

Shenron sighed and flew away. I hugged Gohan tightly, crying in his arms. I wanted to apologize to him... But he hurt me... He doesn't care anymore... I wanted him to at least feel something for me like I do him. And the thing I felt...I don't even know.

Whenever I saw him, my heart stopped. Like I had just be shot through my chest. I feel pain, sorrow, compassion, love and regret whenever my eyes fall onto him. Oh Kami, what have I done to myself?

"Are you ok Kohlra?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Gohan."

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face towards his wiping my tears away and smiling. He kissed me deeply, probably trying to make me feel better.

"I love you much... I never want to lose you."

"I love you too Gohan." he faked a smile.

I don't know why, but no matter how many people love me... I always felt alone. We flew back to CC. I dropped off the food and went to the door. Before anyone could ask where I was going, I teleported to my sister's house.


I walked slowly through the door earning a look of confusion from my Earthling sister.

"Sis, you o-"

I pulled her into a hug and cried. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me patting and rubbing my back.

"Sis it hurts!"

"I know, I know. Let it all out."

After a few minutes of crying, I laid tiredly on her sofa resting my head on her lap as she pet me.

"Feel better?"

"A little..."

She smiled gently at me. I weakly smiled back.

"Come on, let's take you back to Bulma's."

"Ok. Can you carry me?"

She facepalmed at my childishness.

"Are you serious?"

"No, I'm just joking." I chuckled.

We headed back to Capsule Corp. As soon as I walked through the door, Bulma already had me in a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh! Kohlra are you ok!? Gohan told us about you bumping into Shenron earlier!"

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks to my sister."

"Hey Bulma." Sakura said.

"Hi Sakura."

"Well I gotta go take care of my kids. See ya guys later! Oh and Vegeta, watch yourself pal." she glared.

She still didn't get over him raping me. Ha ha. Poor Vegeta. I laid tiredly on my bed when Junior, Prince and Escar walked in.

"Momma, are you ok?" Escar asked.

"Yes Escar, I'm fine."

All three of them laid next to me in my bed.

"Goodnight Mom." they all said.

I smiled at how sweet my children have become. Even though I was a horrible person, they becamw better. I'm so proud of them. My little angels.

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now